
Opinion on PDA

By Leo C.

I think that PDA should really be a thing in school, I think this because I feel like the school should not be able to dictate what students do to each other if they have consent. I can understand the kissing rule but hugging isn’t bad, some people say hugging is only bad when the hug lasts for like a minute but if it’s a short small hug it shouldn’t matter. Even a teacher said that he agrees that long hugs are just weirder than short, small hugs. I interviewed a couple of students and all of them agreed with my opinion. So that’s why I believe that pda should not be a thing in the school's rules.

The Hallways

by Samir


As the bell rings,students come running from the hallways. Everyone squeezed together trying to get to their classroom. Students push but when the bell rings, you are still half way on the walk to your classroom. Now you're wondering to yourself… What should I say to my teacher? Well that's the point of the article. Passing periods.


People only have around 2-3 minutes to get to their next classroom. Sometimes it's close, while sometimes they are separated far apart. I tend to think it should be 1 to around 2 minutes more. Now students have to run across the hallways and get in trouble. It can also relieve stress on the student because of the time to get around. Some students also want to drink water and use the restroom and it takes time to use the restroom.(4-5 minutes)


Besides the interview, I know students want a longer passing because of what they say to their teacher on why they are late.(It's really obvious on why students want a passing period and I also don't have time to make an interview).

Student Opinion on School Lunch

by Dom


Passing periods

By: Aubrey

Passing periods have been a problem all year. Between all the tardiness and late slips, it is crazy. I believe that the passing period is way too short. I have decided to interview Olivia. A student at Summit Middle school.

Aubrey: Do you think the passing periods are too short.

Olivia: yes

Aubrey: How many tardies do you have

Olivia: 0 but even though I am late, the teachers give me sympathy because I get there as fast as I can. Some kids who are even later than I am get tardies just because it took so long to get from one class to the next.

Next I interviewed Cadence. Also a Student at Summit Middle School.

Aubrey: Do you think the passing periods are too short.

Cadence: Yes

Aubrey: How many tardies do you have

Cadence: 0, But some teachers let me off the hook

Aubrey: If the teachers didn’t let you off the hook, how many tardies do you think you would have.

Cadence: At Least 3

And lastly I interviewed Ezina

Aubrey: do you think passing periods are too short

Ezina: YES

Aubrey: How many tardies do you have

Ezina: 2

Aubrey: If you could change how long passing periods are, how long would they be.

Ezina: 4 minutes

In conclusion, I think that passing periods are way to short and need to be


School Lunch Opinions

by Kam

Hello I’m Kam fuller and I’m here with the Squiggly wiggly news, I will be interviewing the topic of school food. I have with me Lex leach, Leo Carlin and Issac sing


Kam: do you like school food

Leo:no, because it does not taste good and almost Expired

Kam: what would you change about the food

Leo: everything

Kam:pros and cons

Leo: only some of the food tastes good, the quality and consistency.

Kam:what’s your favorite food

Leo:the pizza


Kam: do you like school food

Isaac: yes because it’s sooooooo goood

Kam: what would you change about the food

Issac:spicy chicken sandwiches everyday and give me 100 of them

Kam: pros and cons

Issac: it is bussin like Justin they should stop serving the nachos and turkeys and gravy.

Kam: what your favorite food

Issac:spicy chicken


Kam: do you like school food

Lex: it’s ok because some of it good and some of its dog poop

Kam: what would you change about the food

Lex: everything destroyed it all away

Kam:pros and cons

Lex: the cheese dragon bead is good and the sandwiches but everything else is dog pooop

Kam: what your favorite food

Lex: cheese dragon bread

School food should be better

By Keith Aden

So lately I’ve haven’t been finishing my school food because it’s just not that good at all and it cost so much money for one meal and not even a good one at that. Plus even if you do want the food there not enough.

So in this paragraph I’ll be talking about how bad the food is at school and even if it’s a good school the food still sucks and there’s one person to blame, Michelle Obama she wanted to make food more healthy but instead she made stuff like thisnow you can’t tell me this is disappointing to see and not just that most or basically all bread taste like cardboard the fruit is mostly rotten or bad the milk tastes so bad I sure that the food they cook takes thirty seconds because I’m pretty sure it’s all microwaved. So I think that we should have cookies, a drink of choice including water,orange juice,sprite,coke,lemonade,and actual milk and for meals corn, carrots, celery, Brokly and we should have hamburgers, cheeseburgers, nuggets,fries,chips,and nuts, beans and ice cream and each school at least have a good chef.

Now let’s talk about how much we get and the cost, for me a little meal is 3.50 for one little meal at least put more options out for us to eat and let us pick what we want instead of stuff you have to have in certain meals.

Why I think dragon time and Summit Strong Time are wasted time in the school hours

By Tristan V.


In this article I will be talking about how I believe Summit Strong Time and Dragon Time are a waste of time during the school day and how we can use that time for other things in the day.

Dragon time

I think Dragon Time is a waste of school time for a couple of reasons. The first reason I feel Dragon Time is a waste of school time is because you don’t learn anything that is important enough to spend 25 minutes of the day teaching. For my second reason I believe that Dragon Time is a waste of school time because you could learn all the things you learn in Dragon Time in a core class. For example, everyday one of our core classes could rotate teaching Dragon Time topics. The final reason why I think it is a waste of school time is because it’s too long for how long the lessons are. Each lesson is about 5-10 minutes, but Dragon Time is 25 minutes long. If we subtracted the extra 15 minutes we spend in Dragon Time from the end of the day we could get out of school at 2:35 on non-early out days. Those are the reasons I think Dragon Time is a waste of the school day.

Summit strong time

I believe that Summit Strong Time is a waste of time for a couple of reasons. One of my reasons I believe Summit Strong Time is a waste of time is because you learn nothing important that you would use in real life or in school for a test or quiz. Another reason I think Summit Strong Time is a waste of time is because we could just get out of school at 2:15 if there were no Summit Strong Time. If there were no Dragon Time as well we would get out at 1:50. This would give us more time in the day to do homework and more free time to do other activities. The last reason I believe Summit Strong Time is a waste of time is because we could extend our other classes in the day so we would have more time to learn more useful things other than the things you learn in Summit Strong Time.


Those are my reasons and thoughts on how I think Summit Strong Time and Dragon Time are a waste of school hours and a waste of a hour in the day.