
Summit Lunch Menu Review

By:Olivia Sloan

I am going to be reviewing three things off of the summit lunch menu. I am going to review the cheesy breadsticks, the salad, and the mandarin orange chicken.

First I’m going to review the cheesy breadsticks. They are pretty simple but good. They are just cheese inside of a bread stick and there are two inside of the bag, but they are seasoned well and the seasoning ties the whole thing together. I give it an 8/10

Next, I am going to review the salad on the menu. This is a great option to eat when you don’t like the other options. You can take a salad and customize it however. It comes with lettuce, dressing, croutons, meat, carrots and onions sometimes. It also comes with olives, bread, butter, and depending on what you get, cottage cheese. I love the optional toppings. I give this a 9/10.

Last, I am going to review the mandarin orange chicken on the school lunch menu. It comes in a box type thing with rice and chicken. You can mix them together or eat them separately. This is a good meal so I give it a 9/10.

Student Spotlight with Isaac S.

by Myles T.



by Alexia L.

I believe that Starbucks is a 5 out of 5 stars. This is because their drinks are very good and they have a wide variety of options on their menu. Also whatever drink you want you can get and you can also customize it to whatever your desire is because they are very flexible. I would also give them the best rating because of their customer service. For example some lines are very long but I have never waited for very long because they are very quick and have excellent customer service. My final reason is that their merchandise is very cute. For example they have all different types and kinds of cups with a variety of colors and patterns and also sizes. Overall Starbucks is a great place and even though their prices might be high it is definitely worth it. Therefore Starbucks is a 5/5.

Today I will interview Juju

By Thadeus

This is Juju

I will interview him on lunch and recess

In order to watch the video click here —>

Why I like subway

By : Michaelyn.Q

There are many reasons why I like subway, their crispy buttery bread and their fresh ingredients. But do they really have all of that? Do they really have fresh ingredients or crispy bread? That’s what I wanna know. But the real reason I like the subway is it is so optional you can put whatever toppings you like on your sandwich, you can even decide if you want to toast your sandwich and not. But if you don’t like sandwiches they also have wraps, salads and drinks.

My personal favorite are there sandwiches. Well these are all the reasons why I like subway sandwiches and maybe you might too!

MCDonald’s Review

by Grayson I.

McDonald’s is mostly based off of burgers, most of the burgers there without toppings are kinda dry but it’s still okay. Happy meals are the best in my opinion, and Big Macs with honey Mustard is really delicious 😋, but that is my opinion, everyone would have different opinions on different foods in the restaurant McDonald’s, so the review wouldn’t really matter and could start debates so I have no clue, but the food is good, mostly dry without any sauces so that’s it.

Interview with Erica G.

by Simona N.


My new paper

by Zuheb D.

My new paper is on my opinion about pizza toppings!!

I think that pineapple on pizza is good but some people thinks it’s bad.

I think this because it taste really good and I like it.

I like because it taste good but I think it’s not healthy.