
Why we should have more vending machines.

By Elle

Vending machine’s are awesome to have but there comes problems when just having one. But having more than one could solve some of them.

We all know the vending machine gets crowded a lot, so much so that the school had to put a sign up to say it’s closed in the morning. But what if we had more? More vending machines would mean less crowds since we would be going to the other vending machines if we spread them around the school. Which means we could open up the vending machines in the morning so we wouldn’t have to do it in the passing period which takes valuable time away.

Now what happens when one of the vending machines breaks down.

Well there’s many ways to fix them, especially if there simple ones like it isn’t taking the dollar bills or the snacks aren’t dropping you can just do a little research like when the snack is stuck you just have to push the flap on the bottom where you get the snacks, up, and let it snapback, with physics the snack should drop down for you to eat. Now I’m just gonna guess what the school prices the snacks are and how much they bought them for (probably not) but it should just be a cycle like the students buy the snacks, the vending machine is out of stock but with the money from it then you can buy more snacks to restock it. In conclusion I think more vending machines would be a great thing to have for the student especially if they forgot their snacks at home. Then they wouldn’t have to trade their very last king size candy bar for a bag of dots pretzels.

Should whole communities eat together for lunch?

By: Darren

I believe that whole communities should eat together, because it wouldn’t mess up our regular schedules and we already have related arts together.

I interviewed Brody Lanpher and asked him some questions about my topic.

Q: Does whole communities eating together sound like a good idea to you?

A: Yes, you get be with other friends and meet new people, and overall would be engaged with the whole community

Q: Why would whole communities eating together be a good/bad idea?

A: It might be a little bad because it could get a little loud in the lunchroom

Q: Is communities being split in half for lunch confusing to you?

A:Not really because I get the fact that we are loud as a whole community but it wouldn’t do anything to our schedules since we already have related arts together as well

Q:Is the times that each half of the community eat fair?

A: No because some kids have to wait longer to eat and that is an issue especially if that’s the only meal that kid gets a day

We both believe that communities eating together would have an impact for the better.

Do Personality Tests Work?

by Kylan G.

I asked my friend if he thought this was accurate. His response was, "Yes, I do think this matches my personality. It matches because I feel like those descriptions match me." In all, you can trust this personality test! Try it here: https://www.16personalities.com/free-personality-test

Standing for the pledge should be required at Summit

By: Jessica Wheeler

I could go on for days with reasons on why it should be a requirement to stand for the pledge every morning. But first, here are reasons why some people don’t stand. Students do not stand and reciting the pledge for several different reasons. Some students dislike current events occurring in the United States such as racism, homophobia, and sexism, and not standing for the pledge as a way to silently protest. As students, acceptable forms of protest are limited. But I feel that those reasons are not America’s fault, it's the people in the country that they don’t agree with and I see why they might think that not standing for the pledge will make a difference but it won’t because it’s not proving a point at all it’s just showing disrespect for the country. Sometimes it’s not any of those reasons and some people think it’s apart of there religious beliefs but I’ve done some research on which ones don’t allow you to but I couldn’t find one that said anything like that at all, which means it has nothing to do with religion but there is a part in the pledge that says “one nation, under God” and it’s reasonable that people are uncomfortable with that but you don’t have to say that part. The worst part is that people are just too lazy to honor the people that died for our freedom in this country. So please just stand and look at the flag for a short 30 ish seconds.


by Brody L.

I Interviewed 5 people and asked them all the same questions.

First question I asked was “Are school lunches enough?” They all answered the same thing no because they don't give us enough food. We are growing kids and need plenty of food.

Second question I asked was “Should double entrees cost more?” they said no it shouldn’t because school lunch is already free so what is the point for it to cost more.

Third question I asked was “should we have more lunch choices?” They answered yes because the same food gets old and we need more choices. Because we could lose our Appetite.