
Video Game Review

by Jacob A.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare The 22nd game in the Call of Duty game Series and one of the better call of duty games with this game came a new mode Called Warzone this side mode was the second battle royale mode in Call of Duty ever when the game came out in 2020 during the Corona Virus pandemic people played it because they were bored during quarantine and this game brought a new and fun experience. but, back to the main game it was good adding new weapons and new maps the game was very good and fun and even adding a new mechanic called tactical sprinting where you would run even faster this game was very fun at the start tryout the new weapons finding out what to put on your weapon to make it better and even playing with the weapon to get camos, camos or gun skins what ever you want to call it things that have been in Call of Duty for a long time but this game was different at first it had the average 3 mastery camos that you would get after unlocking all the regular challenges for the camos this game was different by after the game released and was a couple months after release they added a new camo obsidian. For the people that were getting bored finally had something to do now thought it wasn’t that hard if you played the game a lot. Now to my last point this game is so good because when people were bored and didn’t have anything to do in their houses during quarantine during the Corona Virus Pandemic this game brought a lot of stuff for people to do and keep them not bored during quarantine and that is what Call of Duty Modern Warfare is about and why it was and is one of the better Call of Duty games in a while.

Video Game Review

by Amar

War zone is a competitive game where you fight and kill people with guns to win.In my opinion this game is very good I would give it a 8.5/10.I like the fact that it’s competitive and it gets very intense by the end if you wanna win. A lot of people get a ton of money for winning the tournaments or even just joining them. Over all war zone is a very good money earning game.

Movie Thoughts about Shrek

by Roland

A comic

by Dylan

A Comic

by Jack

Video Game Review

by Harrison G.

Today I’m going to review the game “Far Cry 6”. The storyline of the game is incredible, in the beginning you get to pick between a boy or a girl. Something that other Far Cry games don’t have, (you're automatically a man) after that the antagonist Antòn Castillo and his army come looking for you. So you have to escape on a boat but Antòn catches up and eliminates every one. I’m just gonna tell you that much. The weapons in this game are phenomenal. You get to use resòvelr weapons which are crazy. You can get a flamethrower or a CD launcher. That’s right you take out enemies with CDs and the customization on the guns that you can get are even better, but I’m not just gonna go tell you that much. The attachments and mods are for you to find out. Not only do you get NPCs to help you, you also get Amigos aka pets to help you on your journey and you can find things from alligators to panthers and even a chicken. You can also complete quests from NPC and the hunter log to get armor, better weapons, and even accessories like charms, mirror ornaments, and dashboard ornaments. The armor is just as special not only does it look cool but also it has perks like speed boost when you take damage or reduced poison damage. If you buy the Expansion pass then you get a free amigo, armor set, and weapons from FarCry 3 BloodDragon. And there’s one more thing that this game has that makes it special DLCs. Where you can play as the villain from FarCry 3, 4, and 5 (FarCry 3 BloodDragon are separate).

The first DLC is out and two more are coming. Once a DLC comes out you get the villain's main weapon.

So I advise you to get Far Cry 6 soon.

P.S (to get the free items you’ll have to beat the starting island)

Movie Review

by Frank B.

Harry Potter Sorcerer Stone is about Harry Potter a boy who has a secret power that he didn’t and it’s called wizardry, I think this movie is very good it was a good introduction it left me with me a lot of suspense and wanting to watch all the movies, the reason why is cause JK Rowling has a good way of making you think that your there. Which I love so much. In all the Harry Potter movie is one of my favorites.

Fantastic Mr.Fox the wonderful movie about danger, wild animal instincts, family, and love. Will you watch it?

by Rey

Hello! Have you seen the movie Fantastic Mr fox?

No? What the cuss is wrong with you? This is Rey Dobson-Greiner here to tell you this movie is very worthwhile. The movie Fantastic Mr. Fox directed by Wes Anderson starring George Clooney and Meryl Streep, the husband and wife of a fox family. Ash is their child along with his cousin Kris. The fox family moves into a new house across the way from their human neighbors Boggis, Bunce, and Bean. All large farmers and sellers. Due to the animal instincts of Mr.Fox he starts to sneak in to steal the product of each of the sellers. Soon the farmers notice and drive them underground. Literally. The only way out, being a wild animal. This film has wonderful examples and representations of mental health and being neurodivergent. Both the characters Ash (Mr.Fox's son) and Kris (his nephew) are autistic. To keep the movie family friendly Wes Anderson chose for the characters to say “cuss” instead of actual curse words. For example “Holy cuss!” Instead of.. well… you know.

This movie is amazing for family movie night! Or if you're alone,,, I guess that’s fine too.

Harrison Gilroy quote on quote says “He is very alluring.”

Anyways this movie is amazing, and sometimes you just got to be a wild animal.