
Interview for Raelynn Karl and Ayla Freedman Student Spotlight

by Jilli H.

Peanut butter pie

By Alayna

Peanut butter pie is so good. My mother makes it and every time we go to family she makes it. And everyone likes it, that's how good it is. I wish she could make it all the time. The pie takes a long time to make the ingredients are:

¾ cup chocolate fudge topping divided

1 Keebler ready crust graham cracker pie crust

1 tub cool whip 1 ¼ cups cold milk

½ creamy peanut butter

2pkg jell-O vanilla

And then you put it in the freezer for about 1-2 hours and then you have a delicious pie! Sure you might not like it but I give this pie a 5 star review if you wanna know why just eat it yourself or try it. It's delicious!

Student Spotlight

by Aidin Dubinovic

I am apart of the SkaScooty Dooty and I am here today to interview two 7th graders from Summit Middle School. Hanna Beganovic and Miles Lahori.

Hanna Beganovic:

How long have you been at Johnston?

I’ve been at Johnston my whole life so basically 12 years.

What is your favorite class this year?

My favorite class would have to be science.

What is your favorite movie?

I like the movie The Notebook.

What do you like about Johnston/Summit?

What I love about Summit is that it brings people together and you get to make new friends.

What is your favorite restaurant?

Hands down my favorite restaurant would have to be Cheesecake Factory or Bravo!

The next person I will be interviewing is Miles Lahori.

How long have you been at Johnston?

Since 4th grade.

What is your favorite class this year?

Media Literacy

What is your favorite movie?


What do you like about Johnston/Summit?


What is your favorite restaurant?


Miles and Hanna are both great, smart and kind students and they make a great addition to Summit Middle School. This will be all for my student interview, I hope you’ve taken away something from this and found out something interesting about Miles and Hanna.

Texas De Brazil Review (Miami FL)

by Ahvy

To begin, when you first walk in you immediately notice the diverse black and red hooded color scheme. At first I liked it but the longer I stayed the more I started to look around and really paint the full picture in my head. In addition, while I ate my food, my mind didn’t change. The food really helps sell me on loving it. Not to sound like I can’t help myself but with all the different kinds of meat that constantly came (ham,steak,lamp,pork chop,lamb chop,oxtail,chicken,rib- literally everything), I think they added a great tool to help satisfy me and my family needs. It was this double sided green and red signal you could flip to either tell them to keep it coming or stop while you finish with what you were doing/eating so you don’t feel overwhelmed unless you want to, great for gaining fat or weight.

Now, what I think were some down sides were, a lot of the appetizers I could go and get were stuff I didn’t want to waste or something I couldn’t handle. So I just took white rice, bread, and salami. The rice was so and so, definitely better than our schools but nothing special. ( Not much me options).The bread and salami were great and so were the sauces, especially the LEMONADE-it tasted like a higher blend of lime than lemon but that’s what made it perfect.It wasn’t sour or to sweet and it had the right amount of everything without tasting like the least bit of water (best lemonade) I’ve ever tasted 10/10. Back to the appetizers I didn’t get. They filled people up too fast. Now where does this bring us? To the fact that it was super costly and I didn’t even pay for it ($490+). Which means if you're filled up by the starters, you're paying for a whole bunch of meats that you’ll already be filled up on by the first two serves. Especially since it’s an all you can eat buffet but Smart marketing trick so +1. The employees and servers didn’t really speak that good of English but they got by and most were really nice (+1).

My final overall impression on this restaurant is a 8.8, 100% recommend going there at least once in your lifetime.

Teacher Spotlight - Mrs. McAlister

by Mady

Hello I’m going to interview mrs McAlister I will be asking her 3 questions

Ok first question

“what is your job at summit”

“I am the teacher librarian. I take care of the library as well as teach 2 classes a day. I teach media literacy and digital literacy.”

Second question

“Why did you start teaching”

“Every teacher always says “because I like kids,” but that’s the honest truth for teachers. No one goes into teaching unless they truly like kids! It’s a very challenging job, but the kids make it worth it. I love being in the library because I get to help kids find books that they like.

To be able to do that, I have to read a lot of books each year!”

Third and final question

Have you taught any other subjects?

“When I first graduated college, I taught 2nd grade. Then I moved to 5th grade (which I liked much better!). I taught 5th grade for 10 years before coming to Summit. At Summit I was a reading interventionist before I got the Teacher Librarian job. I also had a job teaching "Intro to Education" classes at DMACC for 2 years. “

Ok that’s all thanks for reading