
Girls high school Johnston basketball

by Lakyn M.

On Friday the Girls Johnston basketball Team won 95 - 17 with a school record! They played Ames. Johnston varsity team is ranked #2 in Iowa. This Saturday they played Glenwood and the score was 89-53 Johnston won. Tonight December 6 they are playing Cedar Rapids Prairie. Jada Gyamfi is a 6-foot-2 forward.

Basketball Opinion

by Aven M.

Sports are fun games that you play to pass time or you just play because you want to. What sport do you like better if you had to choose? I choose basketball because it’s my favorite sport. But that’s just my opinion.

I kind of want to play basketball in high school but if I do I don’t want to play in Iowa I want to play where i used to live which is in Florida.

I want to play there because all my friends live there I like it there more than I do here. Plus I have all my family there I have no one here, but I do have some friends here. But overall basketball is definitely my favorite sport.

Basketball and NBA

by Mason G.

Did you know that basketball is one of the most popular sports in the world?

I like basketball as a sport. It has good playing time and it gets you a lot of energy. Plus you make a lot of friends and your family is watching and your friends and you get to do something during the day. And you get to if you work hard enough you could be a pro or famous. I support basketball because it gives you exercise and you make friends. The rules to basketball are you can’t run without dribbling. You are trying to shoot the ball into the basket and that is how you get points, another way to get points is to do free throws, how to get free throws is to get fouled. A layup is another way to get points. A layup is where you're running up the court and you get close to the basket and you don’t shoot it; you like to roll it or the tip of your fingers. Whoever has the most points at the end of the game. If your team is good you might end up with 40-70 points.