
Why You should go to Olive Garden

By Trey

At Olive Garden you can eat at the age of 8-14 starting 12 dollars per person. You can sit down and eat. They serve you breadsticks for free, you can eat a salad and they give you extra cheese. There is an Olive Garden Located at west Des Moines that closes at 10 pm.

They have all sorts of food at Olive Garden. They have Spaghetti, lasagna, and Italian food etc. My opinion is that it is really good and the food is always fresh.

Cheesecake Factory

by Atharva K.

I have tried it, and it is absolutely great. There is a lot more than cheesecakes there . They also have pizza and a bunch of other options. Also another thing that I like about them is their whipped cream which is absolutely delicious and because the chocolate is awesome. Another thing that is awesome is their service; which is really really really good!

So overall I would give it a 4 and a ⅕ as a review and that’s only because the prices are really high. But I will say Cheesecake Factory still has the best cakes in the United States .

And to torture you I will show you pictures of cheesecakes that you can’t eat

Is Chick-fil-a healthy for you?

by Ellah K.

I’m doing a restaurant review on chick-fil-a because it is one of my favorite fast food restaurants to eat at. My favorite thing to get there is their chicken nuggets and their waffle fries. Chick-fil-A is known for their chicken sandwich ! The chicken sandwich was first invented in 1964. Chick-fil-A is healthier than other fast food restaurants because they focus on chicken and healthier protein than red meat used to make burgers. Also chicken contains less fat. Chick-fil-A provides specific foods for healthier eating people. For example they have wide ranged salad options, also soup and fruit cups ! The chicken is a very healthy option, for reference, “the chargrilled chicken sandwich has just 5 grams of fat, compared to 16 grams of fat in the Burger King tendergrill chicken sandwich, and 17 grams of fat in the sonic grilled chicken sandwich.”

For this week's student spotlight is Paige Andernacht

by Hayden Z.

I picked Paige because she is my good friend and I've known her for awhile! She also lives by me and we also play on the same basketball team.

Fav animal and why? pandas because there ADORABLE

Who’s your idol? ”Ed Sheehan” because I look like him

What sports do you play?soccer and basketball

Favorite color? red

Favorite subject in school and why? None :)

Favorite food and why? Buttered noodles because it has salt and I love salt!

Splitgate, video game most corpses don’t play

by Kyler W.

Have you ever wanted to do inter-dimensional travel to the same dimension then get stuck in a loop? Of course you have!

Today I’m going to explain the basics and complications of the game, Splitgate.

The only things you need to know about this game is that it is a futuristic FPS (First Person Shooter) game. Where smarts come into play. Being chased then trying to get away takes skill, by skill I mean that you need to be smart and try to predict your opponent’s decision then do the opposite, then around, then eliminate him. Yet doing one move for your entire Splitgate career will not work based on the fact that the enemy’s are usually really good and will catch on easily.

One of my favorite moves is the figure 8 spin-off, one of my inventions. It only works on the map Pantheon when the rail gun is on the spawner. So it’s very complicated. Basically you put a portal on the enemy portal wall above the enemy spawn. Get an enemy to chase you, place another portal anywhere. Go through the portal that you just placed, use your jet pack to get to the rail gun, grab it, then do a 180 then shoot the opponent.

Also, Some weapons are amazing, and some aren’t. For example, the plasma rifle and pistol. The plasma rifle is good because of its high damage output, and the pistol is bad because of its low damage output and slow firing rate.

I would rate this game a solid 9.75 out of 10 just because there are so many people that are amazing at the game and won’t let you win. Other than that a perfect 10/10. It is free on PlayStation, Xbox, and PC.

Interviewing Melanie

By: Payton Ross

Melanie is a student from Summit Middle School, she is in adventure and she is my friend. I will be interviewing her and Melanie is also in ScaScootyDooty.

Payton: What’s your favorite animal?

Melanie: Dogs

Payton: why?

Melanie: I love dogs because they are intelligent and cute!

Payton: how many siblings do you have?

Melanie: 1

Payton: what’s your favorite color

Melanie: Pink! 💖

Payton: why

Melanie: It's my favorite color because it is bright, cheerful, and stands out!

Payton: what do you like to do on your freetime

Melanie: coloring/drawing

Payton: what is your biggest fear

Melanie: My biggest fear is getting a injury

Payton: What is your favorite family vacation(s) and why?


  • Disney World, I got to turn in to a princess for the day

  • Cancún Mexico, got to spend time with family and go swimming ‍

Payton: What’s 3 words that describe you best


  • Funny

  • Cheerful

  • Kind

Payton: what always makes you smile

Melanie: Spending time with family and friends

Payton: what do you want to be in the future and why

Melanie: A teacher and work with kids

Payton: what is one item on your bucket list

Melanie: Visiting the world and learn more things about it

Payton: what is your favorite type of music

Melanie: Hip Hop

Payton: if you were inside of a book what would you do

Melanie: I would become a character in the book and make the story better

Payton: if you were writing a interview thing in ska skooty dooty who would you interview

Melanie: Payton Ross or Alyssa Rea ( friends)

Payton: say like everybody was frozen and you could do anything what would you do

Melanie: I would take over the world

Payton: what’s your favorite candy and why

Melanie:I actually really like Mexican candy!

Thanks Melanie! For letting me interview you. I actually learned a little bit more about you.