
School lunch

By Alex Casanova

I think school lunches should get better food. Meat in cafeteria is dry and the nacho chips are kinda dry and they need some salt. Cheese pizza is kinda hard and needs to be soft and some of waffle are dry and soggy. The smiley faces fries are not the best either. I think we should get better food and more drinking options cause it’s only water and milk. We should have juice and lemonade. The mandarin orange chicken needs more sauce. In my honest opinion school lunches are not the very best and think they should improve with the food.

Is an extra hour worth it?

by PJ

There’s been a big question in schools throughout the United States. That question would be if schools should start later or not. I am going to share my opinion on why I think schools shouldn’t be delayed and why. I think schools shouldn’t be delayed because it would have negative effects on after school activities, bus schedules, and sporting events. Also, if schools start later then you would also get dismissed later too, this wouldn’t be great for children who need to care for younger kids or siblings. Schools starting early barely have an impact on kids, research shows that 94% of middle schoolers don’t struggle with how early school starts. That concludes my opinion on the impacts starting schools later would have on regular everyday kids.

Why I think we should have phones in school

by Ethan S.

I think we should be able to have phones in Summit or a time period where we can have our phones out. The current rule for having phones at Summit is ”Students are not allowed to use the private lines in the office or a cell phone during school hours. Except in emergency cases, students are urged to inform their parents and friends that the school discourages telephone calls during the day. Cell phones are to be turned off by 7:45 a.m. and are not to be used during the school day. If the student is found to be using the cell phone during the school day or the phone rings/vibrates during class or in the hallways.” And for grimes “Students ​may not​ use a personal electronic communication device such as, but not limited to, cell phones, IPAD’s, Kindles, etc., at any time during school without written permission from the principal. This is in effect from 8:05 until 3:15 PM. Electronic devices may be allowed during study hall with permission from the teacher.“ The reason why I think we should be able to have phones out during a time period during school is because sometimes I feel like kids get so stressed out sometimes on school so they can have a break from what they're doing. And another reason why is because teachers can have their phones out when ever during class or when they're teaching. And sometimes it kinda distracts the teacher from teaching and sometimes we don’t have as much time to do what where supposed to be doing.