
New hackers in the making?!

By: Neyla Hodzic

Mr. Motz is in charge of the Hyperstream club so for the newspaper I interviewed him!

Q: What’s the hyperstream club about?

A: Hyperstream is a team of students interested in learning how you use new technology, learn how to code or write computer programs, and those who are interested in PCs and/or gaming.

Q: What is the purpose of it?

A: The purpose is to give kids experience with technologies and skills that they will very likely use in their future. For example, we will be learning about how computers work, diagnosing problems with some gaming PCs we made last year, and working within a budget to repair or build really cutting edge computers. We will be working in groups to develop a 3D piece that helps someone in some way. For example, the battery cover for the remote that has been broken at your house and you take measurements to design and print a new piece. Finally, we will be learning to code using a variety of programs. We will start by learning PYTHON which is a pretty simple coding language.

Q: What are you trying to teach the students?

A: Independent and Collaborative Problem Solving skills, Work Ethic, Preparation for future jobs, Learning with a Purpose, and How to eat Fruit Snacks while we work.

Q: What audience are you trying to get in the club?

A: I'm looking for artists, designers, creative types, and also those who have experience with computers, coding, etc. The students who feel that they are not very technical are some of the best problem solvers. This club is for anyone who wants something to try after school. No experience necessary!

If any of this seems fun and interesting to you, make sure to check it out! Like Mr. Motz said, “No experience necessary!”

SMS, JMS students come together to become future lawyers

By: Paige Andernacht

Summit has a mock trial club run Ms.Ites. Mock Trial is a competitive team activity where students learn about a case (civil or criminal) and then function as attorneys and witnesses to present both sides of the case. Ms.Ites enjoys watching all the kids watching students build strong analytical, logical, communication, vocabulary, writing, collaboration, and complex communication skills. At Summit, we are limited to 20 total students for the entire 7th grade, so students who have the high reading and writing skills necessary to interpret and argue legal matters are given first choice to participate in the Middle School Mock Trial.

This year we had 4 teams of mixed Summit and JMS students that competed at the Des Moines Regional Tournament.

All about Mrs. Ernd

by Riley L.

This month for the teacher spotlight the SkaScooty Dooty will be focusing on Mrs. Ernd.

What is your job at Summit Middle school?

My job is to teach behavioral, emotional, and social skills. I also provide a safe space for students who need to take breaks throughout the school day.

What do you do in your free time?

I like to spend time with my family and friends. We like to golf, swim, attend sporting events, and play board games.

Do you have any pets?

Our family has a 2 year old Golden retriever named Champ. He is our son’s best friend.

What is your favorite thing to do at summit middle school?

My favorite thing to do at Summit Middle is Boat Races at the end of the year.

And that concludes the SkaScooty Dooty teacher spotlight.

Mission's Kindness Project

by Kaiden H.

I asked Ms. Willenborg some questions about the service project her community is doing.

  1. What is it that you are doing?

The Mission community decided to use our new Leader in Me to help us demonstrate Habit #5 - Win-Win! A group of about 25 students created different ways in which we could still reach the nursing home residents and staff to show that they are appreciated especially in this time during the pandemic and holiday season. Some things we are doing are: making cards and creating ornaments for residents.

  1. Who are you helping?

We are working with the Urbandale Healthcare Center located in Urbandale.

  1. Why are you helping?

We wanted to reach beyond Summit. We have worked with this nursing home before and the residents always appreciate to connect to our Summit students.

  1. How can other communities help?

We decided to start small with our own community of Mission to do this service project. I think other communities could see what we did to reach out to other places in Johnston and the metro to find other organizations or places that are in need.

Ms. Vines Being Honest As Always

By: Chloe Biittner

Ms. Vines is a Social Studies and Literacy teacher in Adventure. She is a very much liked teacher by many students! So I interviewed her and here are the questions and her answers.

Q: Do you like your job?

A: I do! I have imagined being a teacher since I was young. I was impacted by incredible teachers while at Johnston. I value forming positive relationships with my students and seeing their growth academically, emotionally and personally. It’s what makes my job worth it.

Q: Do you like your students?

A: Yes I do! I enjoy learning, growing and laughing with my students. Every year, even on the challenging days I always find a reason to smile and laugh. My students make me a better person and also show me areas where I need to improve and grow as a person and as a teacher.

Q: Is your job ever a struggle?

A: Yes, it can be. Although moments can be challenging, I understand that 6th grade is a time where students will make mistakes, but it’s important to learn from each experience, have fresh starts and for each student to know we care about them through the good and bad times. Every year, each group makes me grow as an educator and as a human being.

Q: What is your favorite part of your job?

A: Connections! Forming connections with my students is what makes my job worth it! It brings me joy in creating a safe place where students feel valued, supported and cared for. Connections to me are what makes my job worth it.

Q: Do you ever get tired during work?

A: I do! However, 6th graders have a lot of energy which in return gives me energy. They are loud, silly, and like to move around, so it’s difficult for me to be tired. The tiredness hits me once the students have left for the day. I am thankful for the energy they give me.

For this month’s teacher spotlight is Ms. Kimberley!

by Avah K.

What is your favorite color?

My favorite color is purple!

What is your favorite book? Why?

As I said, I have several books that I would possibly consider a favorite. If I have to pick just one, I think I will choose "The Diary of Anne Frank" as my favorite.

What grade is your favorite subject to teach? Why?

My favorite grade & subject to teach is 6th grade Literacy! I love to read and to help others learn to read and to love reading! Most 6th graders are still excited about school and eager to learn, but they are also becoming more and more independent and I love to see that!

What is your favorite animal?

I have two favorite animals. I love both cats and dogs!

What is your favorite part of your job?

Building relationships with my students and knowing that I've made a positive difference in their lives in some way!!