Gap year/enrichment

Enrichment Opportunites

Students to participate in learning activities and programs outside of the traditional learning. These can include many things such as local programs, volunteer organizations and specialized career or interest based opportunities such as internships.

The options provided below are NOT endorsed by JCSD but provided as points of reference for students and families to research opportunities that may be of interest and options to each individual situation.

Please be mindful that there is an accreditation process for many enrichment opportunities and looking at reputable sources is encouraged.

Local Options:


Mercy One Patient Care Tech Program: Mercy provides a training program that provides employment and training as a Patient Care Tech. For more information, please use THIS LINK.

Unity Point Apprenticeship Opportunities: Unity Point offers options in healthcare including Certified Medical Assistance, Patient Care Tech, Engineering and Medical lab options. More information about these opportunities to "earn while you learn" can be found through THIS LINK.

Iowa Senate and House Page Program:

Each year student's are chosen to participate in the Iowa Legislative Page Program where they work closely with Iowa Senate and House members. These are paid positions and JHS students, if chosen, will spend the 2nd semester of their senior year as a page. If this is of interest to you, please consider planning ahead and meet with your JHS Counselor early in high school to help ensure this opportunity is a possibility. To access the 20-21 application and learn more , please use THIS LINK.

Polk County Youth Corps:

Interested in the outdoors? Polk County Youth Corps provides students 15-18+ a chance to experience hands-on environmental stewardship through projects, outdoor recreation and conservation education. For more information, please see THIS LINK

United way of Iowa:

The United Way of Iowa provides a searchable database of volunteer opportunities for Central Iowa. Please use THIS LINK to access this information.

Job Core:

There are two Federal Job Core programs in Iowa; these are located in Denison and Ottumwa. At both locations, young adults that meet eligibility criteria are provided with housing, meals and training in a variety of high need areas such as healthcare, trades and installation. For some students, they are also able to continue their education beyond Job Core to a local community college where their tuition will be paid by the program. For more information see the specific site below and visit your JHS Counselor for contact and tour information and assistance:

Ottumwa: Information about this highly ranked Job Core site and opportunities can be found though THIS LINK

Denison: Information about this location can be found through THIS LINK.

General Search Options

  1. Teen Life: directory for teen academic and enrichment opportunities; THIS LINK

  2. GAP Year Associations: accredited gap year programs; THIS LINK

  3. Gap Year Fairs: gap year program fairs (similar to a college fair); THIS LINK

Additional Options:

  1. Americorps: Varity of domestic volunteer opportunites; THIS LINK

  2. Conservation Corp: Domestic volunteers in environmental stewardship. For Iowa/Minn options THIS LINK; US Core site: THIS LINK

  3. City Year Volunteer (Americorp): volunteer option working with youth in city setting. THIS LINK

  4. WOOF: Domestic and international volunteer opportunities to work, live and learn about organic properties. For more information, please click on THIS LINK