Campus Visits

A campus visit is an ideal way to explore the campus, majors and gain valuable information about opportunities that can be provided by attending that college. The resources below will help JHS students and their families plan and make the most of the opportunity.

You can schedule the campus visit online; to excuse a student, the parent/guardian will need to call the school to verify that the absence is due to a college visit.

ACE the Campus Visit

Please use THIS LINK to learn about campus visit basics as well as how to get the most from the experience

After the campus visit, take notes and compare colleges. You can use the comparison sheet found in this LINK.

How to schedule a campus visit!

The links below will take you to the specific college's visit site:

Iowa State Campus visit link

University of Iowa Campus visit link

University of Northern Iowa Campus visit link

DMACC visit link

Drake University visit link

*any other school can be found by clicking on the prospective students link on the college website. If you search for the college on Naviance, it will give you a direct link to the college

Questions to Ask a College Rep:

Resource from the Educationquest Foundation that provides questions to ask on a campus visit regarding admissions, current students, financial aid, safety, campus life, etc. Please use THIS LINK to access this resource.

Looking for additional questions to make your campus visit a success? Please use THIS LINK to access College Board's list of possible questions.

Wondering when to visit? Check out the recommendations from College Board: LINK

Want to hear from students? Consider looking at College Board's Q & A with current college students on how a campus visit helped them to decide on a college: LINK

National Association of College Admissions Counselors

Click on THIS LINK to read over the campus visit checklist and advice from the EXPERTS at NACAC!