A Teacher's Perspective

Now, you have the opportunity to listen to English teacher, Emer Whyte, from Galway Educate Together Secondary School. 

Emer explains how she and her colleagues have incorporated planning for students following an L2LP in their Junior Cycle English Classes.

English teacher Emer Whyte discusses planning

Emer Whyte Intro

Collaboratively Designing Learning

Emer's Key Steps:

1.7 Identify a range of non-verbal communications methods, e.g. facial expression, tones of voice, symbols, clothing, colours to signal mood/appropriate action

Choral Reading and a soliloquy in Romeo and Juliet

Create story boards of key moments

Students were invited to explain in their own words what was happening in the key moment and to use symbols/visuals to display their learning.

Students have a Portfolio in OneNote - in a Class Notebook - A team of teachers use this. There are sections. In each section, each Learning Outcome has a different page. 

For example, a student who worked on a particular outcome, their learning is recorded and uploaded as evidence. It might be an oral comment on what they did well or what aspects they have achieved.

Key Points - What worked for Emer's context:

Subject Planning Documents for L2LPs

Click to open the links and download

L2LPs BLANK Master Achievement Subjects Chart.xlsx
L2LPs Subject Planning Template - Final Blank.docx
L2LPs BLANK Master Achievement Subjects Chart.xlsx