Raising the Curtain - Drama and Performance

Aim: To explore drama and performance in Junior Cycle English. There are 4 short podcasts below featuring a creative director, an actor and a group of teachers. Each share and discuss approaches to working with drama.

*There are 3 activities that follow the podcasts. In the time that you have, we recommend listening to 1 podcast and then engaging with the 3 activities that follow*

Scroll down for more ⬇️

Learning Outcomes in Focus

Oral Language 8

Listen actively in order to interpret meaning, compare, evaluate effectiveness of, and respond to drama, poetry, media broadcasts, digital media, noting key ideas, style, tone, content and overall impact in a systematic way O

Oral Language 12

Demonstrate how register, including grammar, text structure and word choice, varies with context and purpose in spoken texts

Reading 4

Use an appropriate critical vocabulary while responding to literary texts

Reading 7

Select key moments from their texts and give thoughtful value judgements on the main character, a key scene, a favourite image from a film, a poem, a drama, a chapter, a media or web based event

Reading 9

Identify, appreciate and compare the ways in which different literary, digital and visual genres and sub-genres shape texts and shape the reader's experience of them

Writing 7

Respond imaginatively in writing to their texts showing a critical appreciation of language, style and content, choice of words, language patterns, tone, images

Writing 8

Write about the effectiveness of key moments from their texts commenting on characters, key scenes, favourite images from a film, a poem, a drama, a chapter, a media or web based event

L2LP Learning Outcomes in Focus

Communication and Literacy - Using expressive arts to communicate

  • 1.22: Participate in a performance or a presentation,e.g.presentation of short drama piece to members of the class, performance of dance or music to parents

  • 1.26: Use drama or dance to explore real and imaginary situations

Living in a Community - Developing good relationships

  • 4.2: Identify situations where people speak differently depending on audience

Preparing for Work - Taking part in a work-related activity

  • 5.26: Assume a role in the activity and identify tasks linked to the role

  • 5.27: Use key words associated with the activity correctly

Podcast Series

Thoughts on play selection, staging and audience engagement

Includes some useful tips for engaging with Shakespearean language

Practical approaches to the Bard in the JC English classroom

Practical approaches to engaging with drama in the JC English classroom

In conversation with artistic director, Julie Kelleher

In conversation with actor Siobhán O'Kelly

All things Shakespeare with English Teacher, Martina Butler

All things Drama - Teacher Roundtable Discussion

Julie Kelleher .pdf

Guide to Podcast 1

Siobhán O'Kelly 2.pdf

Guide to Podcast 2

Martina Butler .pdf

Guide to Podcast 3

Teacher Round Table Discussion.pdf

Guide to Podcast 4

Activity 1

Having listened to one or more of the podcasts above:

  • Now listen to this bonus clip (1.33 mins) from actor Siobhán O'Kelly.

  • Here, she describes a technique she finds useful when engaging with Shakespearean monologues/soliloquies

  • Using As You Like It as a sample, take a look at the script and performance of a monologue from Act 2, Scene 7

  • Applying the technique that Siobhán discussed in the audio clip, how might this be useful for students in your context?

  • You'll also find a short non-literary text on Shakespeare's use of iambic pentameter which may be useful for your students

Click to open and download

As You LIke it monologue

Act 2, Scene 7

'All the World's a Stage'

Click to open and download

As You Like It .pdf

Shakespeare's use of iambic pentameter

Activity 2

Look at 2 examples from the Final Assessment below.

Next, consider the reflective questions underneath.

2019 and 2018 Junior Cycle English

Final Assessment

Higher and Ordinary Level

Reflective Questions

  1. What learning are students being asked to demonstrate in both the higher and ordinary level questions above?

  2. What approaches to engaging with drama outlined in the podcasts might support learning for your students?

  3. How do you support student engagement with, and understanding of, drama and performance in your Junior Cycle English classroom?

Activity 3

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