Inspiring My Creative Writing

Aim: To focus on personal creativity with a view to exploring your own writing process.

Yes, it is a rich language, Lieutenant, full of the mythologies of fantasy and hope and self-deception - a syntax opulent with tomorrows. It is our response to mud cabins and a diet of potatoes; our only method of replying to... inevitabilities.”

Brian Friel, Translations

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"Junior cycle allows students to make a greater connection with learning by focusing on the quality of learning that takes place and by offering experiences that are engaging and enjoyable for them, and relevant to their lives. These experiences are of a high quality, contribute directly to the physical, mental and social wellbeing of learners, and where possible, provide opportunities for them to develop their abilities and talents in the areas of creativity, innovation and enterprise."

(Introduction to junior cycle, English Specification, p.3)

Activity 1

First, listen to the podcast below. You can also search for the episode wherever you like to listen to your podcasts.

(25.37 mins)

Arts in Junior Cycle in conversation with author Kit de Waal

Born to an Irish mother and Caribbean father, author Kit de Waal grew up in Birmingham, England. She came to full-time writing later in life and was 55 when her debut novel My Name is Leon was published.

My Name is Leon won the Kerry Group Irish Novel of the Year 2017 and became an international bestseller.

Kit’s second novel, The Trick to Time, was longlisted for The Women’s Prize. Her first Young Adult novel, Becoming Dinah, published in 2019, was shortlisted for the Carnegie Medal.

Kit de Waal is 2021 Writer in Residence on the MA Creative Writing course at the University of Limerick.

Teacher Viewpoint

Making time for creativity

Listen to English teacher, Patrick Huff, talk about his experience of the writing process

Student Viewpoint

The Writing Process

Listen to Patrick, a student from Scoil Chaitríona in Dublin talk about his experience of the writing process

Author, Kit de Waal

Activity 2

Using this clip as a stimulus, take a moment to consider your own writing and creative process. Use this time to free-write something, anything to give expression to your own craft.


  • What are people doing?

  • What are people saying?

  • What did you see yesterday?

  • What did you wear, what did you eat?

  • What caught your attention?

Writing Advice from Kit de Waal:

  • Get in late and leave early

  • Meet the scene as it’s happening

Options for writing:

  • You can hand-write something and take a picture to upload to the Padlet wall below

  • You can use an external app such as Microsoft Word to type your piece and then copy and paste it to the Padlet wall below

  • You can write directly onto the Padlet wall - simply click the + button in the bottom right corner

Please Note:

  • There are no rules and no limits. Simply write and share. Let your imagination run free

  • In the spirit of sharing, we encourage you to post your work below.

  • Your post will be anonymous but may be publicly shared on the JCT website and/or social channels