Using Online Survey Tools for a local investigation

We will use Survey 123 to create a survey to investigate a local area.

These online tools can be used to help students survey a school population, local residents and local businesses on a wide range of topics e.g. population change, economic activities, river and coastal processes.

Please answer our survey question below.

Scroll down to click submit.


Use the ArcGIS link below:

  1. Create a survey for a possible local investigation.

  2. Use a range of questions (maximum 5 questions).

  3. Use a map question that asks participants for a Geotag.

  4. Use an image question that asks participants to illustrate their answers.

  5. Post your survey and answer the questions in the Padlet below.

For support, click on the GREEN numbers to follow the virtual tour below of ArcGIS & Survey123 (scan the QR code to open the virtual tour on a second device).

Virtual Tour QR Code

Virtual Tour of ArcGis & Survey 123


Share your survey in the Padlet below and post your answers to the following questions:

  1. Suggest other ways your students might use surveys as part of a local investigation.

  2. Suggest 1 way you could use Survey 123 as a Teaching & Learning Tool in Junior Cycle.

Survey 123 - How to Guides