Using CSo Census Data for a local investigation

We will use the CSO Census website to access Small Area Population Statistics for a local area.

CSO Census Data can also be used to help students collect data on various themes e.g. migration, commuting, housing, industry etc.


Use the CSO SAPMAPs website below:

  1. Search for your chosen settlement.

  2. Select a theme you are interested in.

  3. Graph the data in Excel from your chosen theme.

  4. Post your results and answer the questions in the Padlet below.

For support, click on the GREEN numbers to follow the virtual tour below of EPA GIS Maps (scan the QR code to open the virtual tour on a second device).

Virtual Tour QR Code

Virtual Tour of CSO Website


A more detailed guide to using the CSO Census online platform.

A step by step guide to making population pyramids in MS Excel.


Upload your graph to the Padlet below and post your answer to the following questions:

  1. Suggest 2 ways your students might use this data as part of a local investigation.

  2. Suggest 1 way you could use the CSO data as a Teaching & Learning tool in Junior Cycle.