Week 15: Nov. 27

HERE is the powerpoint that has the Evidence QR codes.

Hello Juniors! Sorry, I could not be here today, recovering from a migraine :(

Here is your task for today:

We are continuing our work on your literary analysis essay. If you need a new prompt sheet, they are in the absent bin, in the 28th folder. Today, you are going to use a chromebook to draft your introductory paragraph.

An introduction paragraph must include the following:

o Text Reference: the title(s) and author of the texts read.

o Plot Summary: a brief review of what the author wrote about.

o Claim and Reasons (thesis): your theory to answer the prompt as well as your three reasons why. These reasons turn into your assertions in your body paragraph.

If you finish a complete draft of your intro paragraph you should have at least 1 partner look it over and comment on your work. After that, you should begin outlining the rest of your paper.

Share your google doc with me! MAKE SURE IT IS A SHAREABLE LINK!!! (https://goo.gl/forms/A2vDOZTCEueCeuuG2)

Have a great day and be nice to the substitute!