Week 5: Sept. 18

Monday: Today students were assigned their final memoir and received time in the lab to begin drafting.

Tuesday: Today students were given the memoir rubric and completed a revision plan for their memoirs. Students were given a majority of the hour to draft in the lab.

Wednesday: Today students experimented with their leads and adding power to their memoirs with sentence variety. Students then had the remainder of the hour to work on their memoir drafts. THIS IS DUE MONDAY!!!

Thursday: Today students got the opportunity to give and receive feedback on their memoir drafts. Students then had the remainder of the hour to work on their memoir drafts. THIS IS DUE MONDAY!

Friday: Today students formatted their memoirs and had time to complete any finishing touches they might need. HERE is the MLA format guide. To submit your final memoir, please go to this website- bit.ly/SchoonMemoir