Janesville CSD
Middle School
JCSD Middle School parents and students, here is your 'one stop shop' for all the important information you will need to know to navigate through middle school this year!
Meet the Middle School Teachers!
You will find Google Classroom links so you can keep up with the learning taking place in each class.
Sarah Adolphs (ELA)
6A Student Only Amplify Account
6B Student Only Amplify Account
7A Student Only Amplify Account
7B Student Only Amplify Account
8A Student Only Amplify Account
8B Student Only Amplify Account
email: sarah.adolphs@janesvilleschools.net
Mrs. Assink (Math)
email: molly.assink@janesvilleschools.net
Mrs. Friedrich (Science)
6A & 6B Student Google Classroom
7A & 7B Student Google Classroom
8A & 8B Student Google Classroom
email: jeanetta.friedrich@janesvilleschools.net
Mrs. Hubrig (Special Education)
email: sydney.hubrig@janesvilleschools.net
Mrs. Osborn (ELA)
6A Student Only Amplify Account
6B Student Only Amplify Account
7A Student Only Amplify Account
7B Student Only Amplify Account
8A Student Only Amplify Account
8B Student Only Amplify Account
email: tara.osborn@janesvilleschools.net
Mrs. Renner (Social Studies)
email: jen.renner@janesvilleschools.net
Mrs. Sandlin (Accelerated Math)
email: meridith.sandlin@janesvilleschools.net
Ms. Sorensen (Math)
email: dana.sorensen@janesvilleschools.net
Mrs. Sorensen (High School Math)
Algebra 1 (Accelerated 8) Student Google Classroom
email: shelly.sorensen@janesvilleschools.net
Middle School Band and Choir Teachers
Mrs. Limyao
Mr. Rouw
Mrs. Bergan
Middle Specials Teachers
Mrs. Foelske
21st Century Skills
Mrs. Miller
Mrs. Norton
Mr. Hogan