High School ACP

high School Academic and Career Planning (ACP)

What does ACP look like at our high schools?

Throughout their time at our high schools, students will have a variety of opportunities to thoughtfully consider who they are as people and how that relates to future career options.

Students will utilize Xello to engage in career-related exploration. Students will complete interest inventories, career research, set academic and personal goals and do reflections with the support of faculty and staff.

Students will be exposed to a variety of hands-on experiences to help them begin narrowing the focus of possible career options.

Questions about your child's ACP experiences? Contact your child's teacher or school counselor.

DPI - ACP Final Projects Recorded Webinar

9th Grade

  • Complete Career Matchmaker

  • Save Four Careers (Minimum) in Xello

  • Create a Four Year Education Plan (9-12th grade)

  • Identify and Save Career Planning Activities

  • Identify Hobbies and Interests with a MINIMUM number of two activities

  • Participate in a minimum of TWO extracurricular activities

  • Identify Skills and Abilities

  • Review Portfolio

  • Write a College and/or Career Reflection in Journal (ONE Entry MINIMUM)

  • Participate in Career Planning Activities

  • Complete a Job Search Workshop

  • Discuss Career Options with a Career Advisor/Counselor

  • Explore an Apprenticeship Program

  • Practice Completing Job Applications

  • Practice or Take the SAT/ACT

10th Grade

  • Complete Career Matchmaker

  • Complete My Skills

  • Complete Learning Styles Inventory

  • Save Four Careers (Minimum) in Xello

  • Create a Three Year Education Plan (10-12th grade)

  • Identify and Save Career Planning Activities (Two MINIMUM)

  • Identify Hobbies and Interests with a MINIMUM number of three activities

  • Participate in a minimum of THREE extracurricular activities

  • Identify Skills and Abilities

  • Review Portfolio

  • Write a College and/or Career Reflection in Journal (TWO Entries MINIMUM)

  • Participate in Career Planning Activities

    • Reality Check Day

  • Discuss Career Options with a Career Advisor/Counselor

  • Practice or Take the SAT/ACT

11th Grade

  • Complete Career Matchmaker

  • Save Four Careers (Minimum) in Xello

  • Save Two Postsecondary Schools (Minimum) in Xello

  • Create a Two Year Education Plan (11-12th Grade)

  • Identify and Save Career Planning Activities

  • Identify Career and Life Goals

  • Identify Hobbies and Interests with a MINIMUM number of three activities

  • Participate in a minimum of THREE extracurricular activities

  • Identify Skills and Abilities

  • Review Portfolio

  • Write a College and/or Career Reflection in Journal (THREE Entries MINIMUM)

  • Participate in Career Planning Activities

    • Attend a College/Training Fair

    • Complete a Job Search Workshop

    • Discuss Career Options with a Career Advisor/Counselor

    • Practice Completing Job Applications

    • Practice or Take the SAT/ACT

    • Talk to Speakers (College, Military, Career)

12th Grade

  • Complete Career Matchmaker

  • Save Four Careers (Minimum) in Xello

  • Complete Financial Aid Selector

  • Create a One Year Education Plan (12th Grade)

  • Identify and Save Career Planning Activities

    • Identify your Post-secondary Plan

    • Identify your Career and Life Goals

  • Identify Hobbies and Interests with a MINIMUM number of three activities

  • Participate in a minimum of THREE extracurricular activities

  • Identify Skills and Abilities

  • Review Portfolio

  • Write a College and/or Career Reflection in Journal (FOUR Entry MINIMUM)

  • Participate in Career Planning Activities

    • Attend a Career/Job Fair

    • Attend a College/Training Fair

    • Complete a Job Search Workshop

    • Discuss Career Options with a Career Advisor/Counselor

    • Complete/Update Resume

    • Complete/Update Interviewing Skills

  • Practice or Take the SAT/ACT

  • Complete Senior Project

  • Take Part in Community Service Project

  • Talk to Speakers (College, Military, and Career)



Chris Maedke 608-743-5037