Webinars and online training have long been replacing a percentage of meeting room style training sessions. COVID has only accelerated that trend.

Webinars and online training can be used as a replacement for in-room training. They can also be used as part of a ‘blended learning’ approach that allows training resources to stretch further over a longer period of time.

The unfortunate truth is that so many webinars are dry and boring (like watching paint dry!). James is a dynamic and highly engaging webinar presenter. He has been running webinars with national and international audiences since 2016. He is adept at delivering a lively webinar session which includes participant interaction as appropriate.

James operates his own sophisticated online learning platform. This allows online learning courses to be dripped out over time and acts as a central repository for learning resources including webinar recordings for clients.

If you’d like to talk about a webinar, online learning or blended learning solution for your team, make contact today.

“As a participant in a series of business growth webinars presented by James McNamara I would like to share how impressed I was with the content. The information presented by James is very practical with lots of good examples being used.

James has a way of talking to his audience in a down to earth manner and in a way you can relate. If you are looking for great ideas and motivation to grow your business, then you can’t go past James McNamara.”

Simon Rayment

State Manager, Chamberlain Garage Doors

Just about any topic that is covered in a meeting room format, can be covered online. Adjustments need to be made for practical exercises and group work, but the content delivery is very similar. A shortlist of webinar topics include;

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