Whether you are leading a team, selling to a prospect, serving a customer or otherwise going about your business — your communication impacts everything!

How well you communicate impacts your results. Nobody works in total isolation and many work in teams. Positive, open communication builds trust, fuels innovation and increases morale in the workplace.

There are no tricks when it comes to communication skills. People want authenticity. The building blocks of great communication at work are (1) a common vision, (2) listening and (3) effective assertiveness. All other communication and influence outcomes can be built from these three.

James brings a unique depth to people’s appreciation for and use of the micro communication skills that matter most in the workplace.

“Many thanks for the fantastic session. The feedback from the team was overwhelmingly positive!! Comments like “the best session we have had in the last 10 years, if not ever” from one very experienced and long-serving manager.”

David Loch

Director, Agri-Science Queensland, Department of Agriculture and Fisheries

Listening is the Yin and assertiveness is the Yang. Most people appreciate and even espouse the benefits of listing. Assertiveness, on the other hand, is often miss-understood. It is seen as an adversarial style of communication. Many use the word assertive in place of aggressive.

Nothing could be further from the truth. Assertiveness is a communication skill of expressing your own needs/rights without blocking the needs/rights of the other person. It is hard work for most people.

Listening without assertiveness is ineffective in the workplace (and vice versa). Communication skills training needs to teach a balanced set of skills. This will allow workmates to listen in order to understand the other person. Then, they can be assertive to get their own needs/wants/ideas understood by others. These simple skills can repair workplace relationships and eliminate much interpersonal stress at work.

“All managers and supervisors should do this course. If you get these skills right, the rest is easy.”

Mark Kerl

Manager, Qld Transport

James has a knack of being able to tap into where people are at in their own workplace. He is able to provide highly relevant and very practical approaches to help people improve their communication outcomes at work. A shortlist of topics include; 

Communication Training Articles

by James McNamara

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