Public Speaking Courses Brisbane

James McNamara’s Public Speaking Courses Brisbane received a 99% approval rating
from attendees. This was based on written feedback and ratings from participants.

In Just 1-Day, You’ll Discover How to Speak Without Fear, Pressure,
or Rejection and Bring a Flow of Leads to Your Business


A few days after James’ public speaking course in Brisbane, Nadia Edmonds who owns Loud digital, delivered a 30-minute presentation to a networking group. She walked away with 3 quality leads — not bad for a 30-minute marketing exercise!” 

Find out about our next Public Speaking Course here >>

Just $395 + GST (normally $595 + GST)

You’ll Learn James’ Special 5-Part Presentation Structure  For
Delivering an Anxiety-Free Presentation That Brings You Leads!

(Normally $595 + GST – Early Bird Just $395 + GST)

From James McNamara

Brisbane, Queensland

Dear Friend,

Hey, my name is James McNamara, and I’m here today because I want to help you promote your business and generate the quality leads that you need (and deserve).

I’d like to invite you to one of my next public speaking courses Brisbane. I know it will help you.

If you know that your business is the ‘best-kept secret in town’, then it’s time to discover how to market your business more widely with public speaking.

I’ll show you how to tame your nerves and give you a simple structure for designing a talk that you can remember and deliver with passion and purpose!

When was the last time you generated 3 (or more) leads in 30 minutes? Public speaking offers great marketing leverage – not only do you get leads, but you’ll also get referrals.

“James is an amazing teacher. He makes you feel like he only has you in the room and absolutely breaks down the process to match your business. I would recommend this workshop to anyone wanting to grow their business.”

Deb Murphy, Aussie Dream Home Loans. (Public speaking course Brisbane attendee)

There Are Opportunities All Over Brisbane for You to Speak

There are networking groups, industry groups, franchise groups, special interest groups and conferences who meet every day of the week in Brisbane!

Many of these meetings have a guest speaker. The organisers of these events are constantly on the lookout for fresh guest speakers.

There is no reason why you can’t be one of those guest speakers! Let me show you how.

Believe in Yourself! You Have a Story Worth Telling

Why isn’t it you at the front of the room? Give me one good reason why your knowledge and experience can’t be crafted into an engaging 30-minute talk! Your hard-won know-how and the stories you have lived are gold – pure gold! You just have to separate the gold from the gravel and structure your talk for a positive result.

Your story is worth telling, you just need some help to tell it!

A short compelling presentation about the problems you solve for people is the best way to get people in the audience to approach you and ask to do business.

“This workshop was excellent for allowing me to put a structure behind all of the ideas I had come up with over my time as a Business Broker and Valuer.” Harry Notaras. (Public speaking course Brisbane participant).

A Simple Structure to Calm Your Nerves and Boost Your Memory

If you find yourself getting nervous in front of a crowd, welcome to the human race. Everyone gets nervous, it’s natural. I’ll teach you strategies to keep your nerves from taking over. A little bit of nerves is a very good thing, they actually help you perform at your best!

Structure is the key. Once your presentation is mapped out with your ideas and a smooth flow, your nerves will noticeably reduce. Better still, your memory will improve. It is much easier to remember a well-structured presentation.

“If you find putting together a 30-minute talk to be daunting, James will tach you exactly what you need to know. Clarity and structure are now in my mind, and I know the exact way to deliver and structure my talk to get leads.” Nik Brown. (Attended James public speaking courses Brisbane)

At the workshop, I’m going to teach you my 5-Step Structure for a Powerful 30-minute Presentation. You’ll love it! By the end of this public speaking course, you’ll have your presentation all mapped out and ready to go.

Here’s What’s Included in Public Speaking Courses Brisbane

“If you find putting together a 30-minute talk to be a daunting task, James will teach you exactly what you need to know. Clarity and structure are now in my mind and I know the exact way to deliver and structure my talk to get leads.”

Nik Brown, Owner, Sky Jellyfish.

“Brilliant! Lots of content and presented in James McNamara’s usual inspiring style.”

Natalie Bristow, Manager, DedAnt Inspections

“I’ve been presenting off the cuff previously. Today with James we were able to nail down the structure of how to present better to get the desired outcome.”

Mike Hillsdon, Owner, The Chatbot Agency.

“As a caffeine-like shot for a quick energy boost for any sales team James is a double espresso, but the real value we got was the ongoing implementation of his recommended processes. If you are looking for a professional, powerful and on point presenter, James is as good as we have had.”

Martin Millard, Owner, Harcourts Solutions

If you’re like most business owners, you don’t want to be a ‘pushy salesperson’. Of course not, who does!

There is a much better way. A way that has prospects coming forward towards you. Yes, that’s right, qualified prospects inviting you to contact them to talk about your services!!

There’s a simple formula for it, that is easy to implement and has zero pressure attached to it. Zero!

Don’t wait any longer. Now is the time for you to build your business reputation and become more widely known for all of the terrific things you and your business do.

Click here to register for public speaking courses Brisbane.

I’ll see you there!

 Kind Regards

James McNamara

Public Speaking Trainer and Coach