Recital T-Shirts

Every year J31 designs a limited edition, recital t-shirt to commemorate the show! 

See below an example of what our T-Shirt looks like this year and place your order through a google form order!

YOU DO NOT NEED TO ORDER YOUR DANCER A T-SHIRT! This fee was included in the recital fees you have already paid and J31 will order their shirt. 

This is for parents, friends, siblings, family or anyone else that would also like a t-shirt. Many people purchase these and wear them the day of recital to get into the spirit! 

All orders due by May 30!


Youth Small - Adult XL $20
XXL $22
XXXL $23

*If you are participating in the parent dance, please be sure and order a shirt as this will be what everyone will wear for this routine. 

Order and pay below through our google form.