Recital Pictures

Recital pictures will be held on Friday May 10th and Saturday May 11th at the studio.  

We have our INCREDIBLE Photographer, Megan coming back again this season. Megan is amazing and the students ADORE her! Please visit here for the link to ordering info!

Students need to arrive 10 minutes before their scheduled photo time, dressed in their first costume. Don't forget to bring all of their additional costumes (if in multiple classes) hair accessories AND dance shoes! Dancers can wear their hair however they would like for pictures.

Even if you don't plan to purchase pictures, please plan on attending the photo shoot. The kids like for all their classmates to be in the photos, and we especially want you to be in our yearbook and on our Recital wall!

Please refer to the schedule below for your photo time. You will find Competition photo time in the Competition tab at the bottom of the table.

All Class times & information is also located on the Class Specific Information.

Suggested makeup for photos is natural, much lighter than the stage makeup suggested for the show.

Recital Picture Schedule

Recital Picture/Show 2024