Ivy Tech Bloomington Biology Program
The Ivy Tech Biology Transfer Single Articulation Pathway (TSAP) degree prepares students with a strong foundation in the biological sciences to successfully transfer and earn a bachelor's degree in a biological sciences discipline. While at Ivy Tech, students complete many of their general education requirements, such as some English courses, Math, Chemistry and Physics. Within the Biological Sciences, students complete a two-semester major's level General Biology course sequence in addition to Molecular Biology and either Genetics or Ecology. The Ivy Tech experience culminates in an independent research "capstone" project. Students earning the degree can transfer seamlessly to any of the public institutions in Indiana with their full 60 credits and start as a junior at their new school.
A degree in biology prepares students for a wide range of careers, from field ecology and conservationists to marine biologists and soil scientists. Our students can go on to study animal behavior and plant propagation, or focus their careers in molecular labs, developing vaccines for deadly infections or cures for genetic diseases. Graduates can make discoveries about how cells communicate or that connect proteins to the DNA that codes them. Biologists have the potential to revolutionize the medical industry, agriculture, and the world around us. Our students may also decide to move on to medical school, veterinary school, PA school, PT school, optometry school, dental school, and any of the other professional schools that prepare the folks who take care of us and our animals!
More information about the Ivy Tech statewide Biology Program can be found here: https://www.ivytech.edu/biology.
More information about the Bloomington program can be found on these pages or by contacting Kyle Hetrick at khetrick3@ivytech.edu or 812-330-6289.
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Ivy Tech Bloomington Biology Outdoor Learning Lab
This outdoor space, complete with native gardens, wooded trails, outdoor classrooms, and an intermittent pond, is being built over a number of years starting in Spring 2021. This amazing space will be used by our students and the community to explore and learn about biology. Visit the Outdoor Learning Lab website for more information on this resource and upcoming events in the space!