
How did the Outdoor Learning Lab come about?

In the Spring of 2019, Professors Jeannie Galbreath, Kyle Hetrick and Sarah Cote were riding on a bus, returning to campus with some students after taking a field trip.  Jeannie mentioned that she thought we should plant some milkweed along the fence row between the Indiana Center for the Life Sciences (ICLS) property and the neighboring farm.  The others agreed, and added their own ideas.  The conversation became silly, with bigger and bigger ideas being thrown out, including trails in the woods, outdoor classrooms, and native pollinator gardens.  Much laughter was involved in the conversation.  After a while, however, the professors stopped laughing, looked at each other, and said why not?  The Outdoor Learning Lab was born!


Over the next few weeks, the Professors put together a proposal for the Outdoor Learning Lab with the help of Professor Amy Poehlman.  The plan was divided up into phases, and included the native pollinator garden, beehives, trails in the woods, an outdoor classroom, a picnic pavilion and some bird blinds in the woods.  The plan called for the project to be very student and community focused.  As much work as possible, from planning the garden to building the structures, would be done by students, both at Ivy Tech and in the local K12 system.  The plan called for partnering with community groups such as Master Gardeners and local Boy Scouts for some of the work.  The plan was approved.


The next step was to find the money to implement the initial plans.  Upwards of  $100,000 was needed to fully implement all phases of the plan.  A number of grant proposals were submitted, and initial money started to come in from a Dec Day of Giving and money from the Ivy Tech Foundation’s Circle of Ivy group.  Finding money to further implement the original plan, and expand with additional ideas, is an on-going project for the Outdoor Learning Lab.


Unfortunately, just as we were planning to break ground in April 2020, the global Covid 19 pandemic hit, and the Outdoor Learning Lab was thrown into a waiting holding pattern.  Fortunately, the generous groups who gave money to the project allowed for the extension of the timeline for spending those funds until the pandemic lifted and we could host work days.  As Covid infection numbers drop in Spring 2021, we are able to make progress!  Ivy Tech facilities is installing a water line, allowing access for caring for the garden and running hands on science programs in the space.  In addition, a local boy scout, Mason, who is working to earn his Eagle Scout is building the first garden bench for our space.  

2021: Click here to learn more

2022: Click here to learn more

2023: Click here to learn more