Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteer at the Outdoor Learning Lab

We can always use some help with our projects at the Outdoor Learning Lab.  From weeding and mulching in the gardens, to building trails and removing invasive species in our woods, to helping install new features, we always have things going on!  Volunteers can join one of the pre-planned public volunteer days or contact us to set up a volunteer time.  

All volunteers are asked to please read and adhere to the requirements found on the upcoming events page.

Location and parking information can be found on the Visit page.

Public Volunteer Dates

No registration required!  Please note, weather may cause cancellations.  You do not have to be present the entire time - stop in when you can!

Group volunteer opportunities

Groups looking for volunteer hours are welcome!  You are welcome to attend the specific dates above, or if you would like to set up a time for just your group, please contact Sarah Cote at scote@ivytech.edu or 812-330-6310 to arrange an opportunity.