Graduation Requirements
class scheduling
Grades & Credits
Graduation Requirements
Credits required in each subject for Graduation
(Class of 2026 anD Earlier)
More is needed for College Requirements. Please visit the COLLEGE PREPAREDNESS PAGE
40 Credits
20 Credits (Must include Math 1 or Math 1AB/CD)
20 Credits (Must include 5 life science & 5 physical science credits)
30 Credits (Must include World History, US History, and US Government & Economics)
World Language / Fine Arts/ Career Technical Education
10 Credits
20 Credits
5 Credits
70 Credits (Can be from any subject area that exceeds the required amount of credits)
Credits required in each subject for Graduation
(Class of 2027 anD LATER)
40 Credits
30 Credits (Must include Math 2 or Math 2 Solid)
30 Credits
30 Credits (Must include World History, US History, and US Government & Economics)
World Language / Fine Arts/ Career Technical Education
10 Credits
20 Credits
5 Credits
60 Credits (Can be from any subject area that exceeds the required amount of credits)
Course Selection
Irvine High School offers a broad and comprehensive selection of classes. Within the curriculum, many academically challenging classes help to prepare students for the rigorous demands of college and life. Some courses enable students to pursue areas of self-interest and/or career technical education.
Students must anticipate a world of rapid change. Research indicates that future members of the workforce will have to communicate effectively and process ever-increasing amounts of information. To be prepared for the job market, students should take classes that extend their basic skills and explore real-life experiences. Students should select classes that help to accomplish the following goals:
Master essential competencies in reading, writing, and math
Explore personal interests in academic areas as well as the arts, business, and the career technical education fields
Participate in career exploration experiences and internship training programs
Given the complexity of the curriculum, each student must develop with his/her parents/guardians, advisor, and counselor, a long-range educational plan. Students, along with parents/guardians and teacher advisors, should choose classes carefully in the spring as these selections are used to determine teacher assignments and the number of classes offered. Requests to change courses after initial selection will be considered but may not be possible.
Classes that are limited in availability and have a surplus of students requesting the classes will be filled using a waitlist, and seniority may be considered.
Early Graduation
Students may request to graduate early (at the end of the 7th semester). In order for the request to be considered, the student must meet with their counselor by the end of their junior year and develop a plan that will include completion of 215 high school graduation credits (225 for class of 2027 and beyond), course requirements, and an Early Graduation Contract. Early graduation that requires a student to take more than one course in a core area (example English) may not be possible due to class size limitations and teacher staffing. Students may want to consider summer school courses as an option to assist in fulfilling graduation requirement areas.
Schedule Adjustments & Add/Drop Policy
Each semester, students are afforded the opportunity to request schedule adjustments. However, preference changes are not considered and there are limitations based on class size and teacher staffing.
Schedule adjustments will NOT be accommodated for the following reasons:
having classes in a certain order
having a certain teacher for a certain class
having an open a certain period to accommodate for a longer break, time to do homework, or for work or a college class.
starting school later or getting out earlier due to outside commitments (work, internships, family commitments, and other non-school related commitments must be scheduled outside of the regular school day- after 3:40pm)
dropping a year long course (A/B Course)
dropping a course that creates a gap in your class schedule- ex. Period 1 math, period 3 open, period 5 science- having a period 3 open is a gap and is not permitted.
Students may add a class through the 4th day of each semester.
Students may drop a class through the 4th week of the semester without the class appearing on their official transcript.
Students may drop a class from the 5th week of the semester through the last day of the first or third quarter with a withdrawal grade of “WP” or “WF.” The “WP” or “WF” will be posted on the official transcript but not calculated into their GPA.
Beginning with the first day of the second and fourth quarters, students may no longer drop a class.
Note: classes may only be dropped if dropping the class does not make the student under enrolled or create a gap in the student’s class schedule.
Please visit the Counseling Website for the most current Schedule Adjustment information.
Grades and Credits
Students will be evaluated on their performance and mastery of subject matter each SEMESTER (18 weeks). The grades to be awarded shall be:
A = 4 grade points (Superior Progress)
B = 3 grade points (Above Average Progress)
C = 2 grade points (Average Progress)
D = 1 grade point (Below Average Progress)
F = 0 grade points (Inadequate Progress)
P = 0 grade points (Pass grade)
All semester grades become part of the student’s official transcript. Mid-semester grade reports will be available to parents/guardians online at the end of each semester’s ninth week. These grades will not appear on a student’s official transcript; unless the class is a quarter class.
Advanced Placement (AP) courses and select Honors/Enhanced courses, completed with a grade of C or better, shall receive a weighted grade point. These designated weighted courses are highlighted with a gold star next to them on the IHS University of California A-G Course List.
Advanced Placement courses, completed with a grade of C or better, taken at any accredited high school, shall receive a weighted grade point. Please refer to the UC AP Credit Guidelines for information regarding how UCs provide credit for AP courses.
Honors courses, completed with a grade of C or better, taken at any accredited California high school, shall receive a weighted grade ONLY if:
An identical course, designated as weighted on the IHS University of California A-G Course List, is offered at IHS AND
The course is identified on the prior school’s University of California A-G course list as a weighted course
Weighted grade points shall be issued as follows:
A= 5 grade points
B= 4 grade points
C= 3 grade points
D= 1 grade point
A grade of Incomplete is given by a teacher only in rare situations, generally due to illness or a reason beyond the student’s control. The student must complete the course work by the end of the next quarter after the Incomplete is issued. If the course work is not completed in the allotted time, the Incomplete is converted to a grade determined by the course’s teacher. At the time the course work is completed, the student/parent should request a Grade or Credit Change from the teacher, who will inform the record’s clerk, so the transcript is accurate.
Irvine High School grants credit when a grade of “A” through “D” has been reported for graduation requirements. Any grade of “F” earns no credit. Five credits shall be granted for all non-variable, alternating block semester-long courses. Ten credits shall be awarded for all non-variable solid block semester-long courses. Variable credit courses allow students to earn credit upon the completion of specific, measurable course objectives. (Courses offering variable credit are noted in the course descriptions.)
Students may repeat an academic course to improve their understanding of course content and to improve their grade. Students repeating a course do so with the understanding that:
Transcripts will reflect both grades.
Double credit IS NOT issued for a previously passed academic course.
If a “C” or better is earned in an academic course, and a student chooses to repeat the course, both grades will be calculated into the GPA.
**Please note that the UC system does not allow repeated classes with grades that are Cs or higher.
Students transferring from a high school out of the United States will receive a Pass or No Credit for coursework completed at the student’s out-of-country school. Pass and No Credit are not calculated into a student's GPA. Coursework taken at WASC accredited schools or equivalent will be awarded letter grades (A, B, C, D, F). Official transcripts from the international school are required to award transcript credit.
Academic Recognition
Irvine High School students with an academic, weighted GPA of 3.500 or higher are recognized with the Principal’s Honor Roll each semester based on their GPA for the previous semester's coursework.
Graduating seniors are also recognized for High and Highest Honors. The High and Highest Honors are determined by academic, weighted GPA after seven semesters (end of the fall semester of 12th grade) of high school. Highest Honors is 4.000 or higher, and High Honors is 3.800 to 3.999 GPA. Students with High Honors are presented an Honors braid and Highest Honors are presented with an Honors stole to wear at graduation. A student must have four semesters of letter grades to be eligible. GPAs are taken as is and are not rounded up.
Concurrent instruction aND College Credit
Concurrent Enrollment is a course taken outside of IUSD at a secondary school institution recognized by the US Department of Education, such as the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC). Requests require prior approval by the principal or designee through the "Request for Alternative Course Credit" form. The number of credits awarded are limited to 10 credits per school year with a maximum of 40 credits to be recorded on a student’s official transcript. Honors points from these outside institutions will not be posted.
Dual Enrollment is a course taken at a college or university. Requests require prior approval by the principal or designee through the K-12 Approval Form provided by the college or university. Dual Enrollment courses will only be recorded on a student’s official transcript if the course meets a minimum graduation or minimum a-g college entrance requirement. These courses will be posted after Cal Grant GPAs have been submitted in the fall of a student’s senior year of high school. Honors points will not be posted. Enrollment in college physical education or health courses will not be considered for high school graduation requirements.
Community College credit shall be posted to the IHS transcript as follows:
College Semester Units
2.5 or 5.0 units = 5 high school credits
2.0 units = 4 high school credits
1.5 units = 3 high school credits
1.0 units = 2 high school credits
0.5 units = 1 high school credit
Credit for private instruction will be available in the area of Physical Education and World Language. This credit must be approved in advance by an administrator. Options are limited and must meet rigorous district guidelines.
**Private instruction for world language is limited to 10 credits, and independent study is limited to 20 credits. All are taken on a pass-no pass basis.
Physical Education Private Instruction (IUSD Information linked HERE)
Private instruction in Physical Education is designed for nationally ranked students in an individual sport or are in a sport pre-approved for private instruction credit by the Irvine Unified School District. The student must be preparing for national/international competition and have at least 300 minutes per week of private instruction/practice with a qualified instructor. The maximum number of physical education credits available via private instruction is 20 on a pass/fail basis only.
Parents/guardians and students must submit an application within the first week of each semester to be considered for Private Instruction P.E. Applications may be obtained from the student’s counselor or an administrator. Students must reapply each semester. Applications must include a copy of the student’s ranking, the student’s practice schedule, and a schedule of the student’s contests/competitions/games.
World Language Credit for Private Instruction- (IUSD Information linked HERE)
Elective credit shall be awarded based on the time spent in class. Pass/Fail grades will be awarded. The program of instruction must be on the approved IUSD list of world language programs. A maximum of 10 credits may be earned in this manner. Prior approval from an assistant principal is required. Students must reapply each semester.
Appropriate transcript entries shall be made. However, the course title used shall not appear on the University of California approved course list. Forms are available from the registrar.