According to research from the United Nations: 70% of the world’s population will live in cities by 2050.

There are already numerous territories that have started reinventing themselves to accommodate all these new citizens. Cities have become “smarter”, being able to monitor and profile the needs of their inhabitants to make the topology of the city more efficient.

So, what if... rather than designing for today based on yesterday, we designed with the idea of tomorrow in mind?

By imagining the future more clearly, will you design more strategically with foresight and long-term concerns? Will your organization and social systems be more durable and prepared for change? Can we become comfortable with accelerating uncertainty?

In 2050...

- How will people work, and where?

- How will you design buildings and build communities?

- What gadgets will you carry, what would they look like?

- What sports will you play or watch?

- How will we overcome global challenges like climate change, education, or food shortages?

Creative disciplines —being pervasive and inherently interdisciplinary—had the power to transcend multiple disciplines and help break down the departmental “silos of thinking” that hinder many collaborative efforts in industry and in academia.

The aim of developing the Workshop is to explore the power and capacity of to tackle those lines of fracture and socially engage by design. Beyond re-search by design, students and tutors re-act by design. The challenges before us are so complex that no single discipline, mindset, or expertise will be able to solve them. To address social challenges globally, we need to collaborate and learn from local ideas and solutions that are being developed across the globe.

On the way to build collaboration, we need to engage communities in a way that goes beyond talking, towards making and creating, in a space for people from Design, Architecture and Art backgrounds can bring their local knowledge, ensuring a bottom-up, grassroots approach. Encouraging the value of sharing and building on each others’ knowledge forthcoming to tackle big (global) issues by interacting in between small (local) worldwide communities.

The INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP IUAV - UDP FAAD 2021 - 2050 ENVISIONING FUTURE HUMAN SCENARIO FOR A NEW SOCIAL PLANET; put forward that interdisciplinary teams in a global system approach can boost creativity and impact by using design and creative methods to envision parallel scenarios for the future planet society.


- Promote inter-discipline at different levels (students, professors and institutions);

- Encourage dialogue and create knowledge by interacting with peers from different parts of the world;

- Explore new formats for enriching international didactics through creativity with a global perspective.


Through the creation of an interdisciplinary and international team compose by 24 students (+ professors) from the Università IUAV di Venezia (Italy) and the UDP (Chile), the assignment will be developed by teams of four students, using as an example the Double Diamond methodology developed by Ian Hutchby, and Jo Moran-Ellis from Design Council in 2005. This will permit students to embrace a wider perspective on a variety of scenarios. Also, it will be useful to reframe design knowledge by prototyping observations that come from students from a diverse cultural background.

During the process, professors from both schools will be available to review the project and to clarify doubts, with previous appointments.

Due to the time difference, the common period of work will be from 14:00 to 18:00 for Italian participants, and from 9:00 to 13:00 for participants from Chile. Italian participants will start 5 hours before common period (at 9:00 ITA), and participants from Chile will continue 4 hours after common period (18:00 Chile).

Workshop cordination

Prof. Barbara Pino (Chile)
Prof. Maximiliano Romero (Italy)

Day1 Program

(15.00 Italy - 10:00 Chile)

Workshop presentation and introductory lectures.

Lecture Prof. Barbara Pino (Chile) and

Prof. Maximiliano Romero (Italy)).


Biological Creativity process in the next 50 years.

Lecture Prof. Andrés Briceño (Chile)


Design and politics.

Lecture Prof. Simona Morini (Italy).


Architecture in the next 50 years.

Lecture Prof. Mathias Klotz (Chile).


Urban development in the next 50 years.

Lecture Prof. Francesco Musco (Italy).


Creativity a disruptive perspective in/for the next 50 years.

Lecture Prof. Joaquín Zerené (Chile).


Fashion in the next 50 years.

Lecture Prof. Alessandra Vaccari (Italy).


Living in an extreme world in the next 50 years

Lecture Prof. Elizabeth Wagemann (Chile).


Etichs in Design-Tech.

Lecture Prof. Barbara Pasa (Italy)


Arts in the next 50 years.

Lecture Prof. Bernardita Croxatto (Chile).


Team formation and start of work .