LHSI professional Goals

Setting goals helps motivate me to accomplish the things that matter the most to me. Goals are what help me stay focused and remind me of why I am doing what I am doing!

I want to relate the knowledge gained from the classroom to the internship work and vice versa

  • To achieve this goal, Dr. Hummer is starting a bi-weekly Journal club. During this hour discussion, I will be able to contribute what I learned in class about certain areas that this internship focuses on, or share a research article that I think is important, interesting or beneficial. Other research members will be sharing what they learned from the readings that they choose or contribute to the readings that Dr. Hummer or I choose.

  • Dr. Hummer and I meet weekly one-on-one to discuss things I am learning in classes and how they are going. Essentially, about how things are going and we also plan upcoming events based on my interests.

I want to demonstrate professional behavior and practices in the workplace, including professional communication and applying problem-solving skills.

  • To achieve this goal I have been asked to communicate professionally using work apps and email, contribute in writing professional posts on the internships Facebook page, recognizing which communication app or email I should use for certain situations, communicating with participants, phone screens, emails…. etc.

Since Dr. Hummer's research focuses on children with disruptive behavior I want to be familiar with how to identify children with disruptive behavior.

  • To achieve this goal, I will be observing visits. I will reading and researching about it. I will be using the surveys conducted by our lab to recognize a pattern between our participants.

I want to learn how to read an MRI of the brain specifically areas related to this study. As well as general information about the MRI

  • In order to achieve this goal, I will be analyzing and reviewing brain imagining data with Dr. Hummer. Along with doing an annual MRI safety training. Lastly, I will research more about it to grasp a full understanding of it!

I will be applying the CITI training Principles and ethics in research with human subjects.

  • In order to achieve this goal, I will be observing an Institutional Review Board (IRB) meeting. I will be able to observe what goes into protocol development as well as understanding the regulations involved.

I want to be a better team member. I want to enhance my team membership skills

As someone who usually takes charge of school projects, I want to learn how to limit workload to allow others to work with me. I will challenge myself in order to problem solve. I will be working on enhancing my communication skills by asking questions and ways I could be able to help. I want to freely ask questions if I am stuck or not understanding something.