
Academic Goals

My current academic goals are to finish my undergraduate Bachelor's degree in Psychology. After receiving my Bachelors, I plan on furthering my education and focusing on either Developmental Psychology or Clinical through a PhD program. I plan on continuing to do research at IUPUI to help prepare me for the PhD program. I love working with kids and learning new things about them everyday. I love working with different people from different age ranges to learn more about what they go through during any phase of their life. As well as finding new ways to overcome any challenges specific to an age group or to their physical or mental diagnosis. 

Career Goals

I am planning to teach Psychology and do research alongside it. I equally like teaching and research. I have always looked up to the educators that have helped me becomes the person I am today. I want to help future students the same way my past professors and teachers have helped me. I have many experiences in coaching, teaching and leadership. My LHSI experience has also opened my eyes up to research and all of its benefits. 

Moving Forward 

As I am growing into the person I aspire to be, I will continue to explore more about this path that I planned above. I will continue to lead in leadership positions, do more research and find more things along the way to help me be the perfect candidate for any psychology PhD program.