
To work for LUNA, I needed to be trained and certified in a program called Bridging the Gap. As an Arabic medical interpreter working for LUNA, I am assigned to drive to different areas around Indianapolis wherever I am needed to medically interpret for Arab patients at medical offices and hospitals. This experience plays a huge role in my desire to work with people and helping them!

I currently work with Dr. Kroupa as a Teaching Assistant (TA) for Life Span Development. My end career goal is to be able to lecture and teach a class similar to this class. Reviewing and teaching material from this class is an amazing refresher for me and a rewarding job.

As an IUPUI OTEAM leader, I worked with a First Year seminar instructor. I welcomed first year students and provide campus resources for them. My goal was to help students feel welcomed and cared for at IUPUI. This experience is important because it taught me how to be a better leader and ways of coaching students to be more independent in their college career!

From 2017 to 2018, I worked as a child aide at the YMCA. A child aide's job at the YMCA is to look after children ranging from 6 months to 12 years old. I loved working with the kids but sadly I moved from the area and I was unable to make the drive every time I had to work. Because I loved working with the kids, my LHSI internship dealt with children from 9-12 years old. This experience helped me find and internship site that is related to it!

During the summer of 2019, I was interested in becoming a doctor. At Community Health Network, I had the opportunity to shadow a Cardiologist and a General surgeon. While both experiences were amazing and I loved the work both doctors do, I quickly learned about myself that becoming a doctor was more of a childhood dream rather than a goal that I wanted to achieve. Many factors played a role in the decision and I decided that it was not a good fit for me. This experience saved me a lot of time and helped me learn about what I like and dislike in a future career.