LHSI Ambassador


Throughout my time as an ambassador, I have communicated with, guided, and instructed a set of 20 interns as it relates to personal development during their time as an intern. I have been able to do this through weekly communication updating them on upcoming deadlines, workshops, and additional events. Through monthly feedback on their reflections and through office hours held to answer questions. 


My main role as an ambassador was recruitment. This included attending career and internship fairs where I would educate students on our program. Additionally, I was the main point of contact for presentations held about LHSI and I reached out to various groups about potential interns. 

Social Media & Communications

Throughout my time as an ambassador, I curated social media posts to reach over 1,000 people. These posts informed current interns of upcoming events as well as provided application information to the public in regards to becoming an intern. 


LHSI has really challenged me in multiple ways. First as an intern and now as an ambassador. From my previous position now to this one, I have been able to bring to LHSI my love for recruitment. The third year of college can be an extremely busy time especially when you suddenly decide to graduate early, so I wasn't able to attend as many tabling sessions as I wanted. However, the ones that I did attend, I was able to give students a comprehensive idea of what LHSI is and outside of those events, I was able to adequately speak to various individuals regarding the internship program.

Throughout being in LHSI as an ambassador, I have grown in my teamwork skills. While I have always been able to work seamlessly in a team, LHSI requires you to be able to thrive in a team at times. Regularly multiple people would be assigned projects and have to work together on them in the office, or communicate well enough to work independently on parts to still create a harmonious image. 


My biggest challenge was connecting with the interns. Most of my work is in the background helping to facilitate their professional development. So it can be hard to connect with them outside of that as we do not spend much time interacting with them in person. Although this has been a challenge, I took opportunities like our showcase and workshops to mingle with them and get to know them.