Education & Outreach

I am still a student and trying to educate myself!!! I do hope that I continue to do so. While I am trying to enhance my knowledge, I help other students in learning whatever little I know more than them. I have taught the following courses in different places, where I lived. 

At Indian Institute of Technology (BHU), Varanasi

At Homi Bhaba National Institute, Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research, Kalpakkam, Department of Atomic Energy

At University of Connecticut, Storrs, Connecticut, USA

At University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA

Training and Laboratory Courses

I wish to upload some study materials that you might find interesting!!! It requires planning, which I am not good at! Being unplanned is the only plan of life that truly characterizes me. However, I promise to get back to it. In case you are interested, keep coming back!!!