Emergencies, Accidents & First Aid

An active staff emergency procedures committee is continuously working to update adequate emergency response procedures at ISU. These include evacuation, lockdown and earthquake procedures and drills, all of which are practised during the school year.

Evacuation Procedure The need to evacuate the building is signaled by the continuous ringing of the emergency bell or, if the power is out, by announcements using the school megaphones. If a parent or visitor is on the school campus and the evacuation alarm is sounded, they are expected to take the nearest exit out and gather on the large sports field to the east of the school building in a linear row to the far right of the lined up students and staff. (Note: Changes to the evacuation procedures may be made based on evaluation of evacuation drills.) In the event of an accident or other medical emergency, first-aid trained staff members and the school nurse will attend directly to the student in need. If the medical attention is required, the nurse will take the appropriate steps. Parents will be contacted and the student may be taken to the SOS Clinic or a local hospital.