Extended Essay

The extended essay is a research-based academic essay on a topic of your choice. It cannot be longer than 4,000 words, excluding bibliographies and appendices. It is assessed on specific criteria by an external examiner.

The IB Extended Essay guide is on a website. It is important that you read the guide carefully, especially the section about the subject of your essay.

Choosing a subject and research question

Students should choose an essay in one of the subjects they are taking, and usually one of their Higher Level subjects. However, students can do essays in other subjects if approved by the coordinator. The essay should represent a specific interest of the student, either in terms of their own sense of curiosity/interests/passions or their future plans. Grade 12 students consistently say that being deeply interested in your essay topic makes it easier and more successful.

A World Studies Extended Essay is also a possibility, which allows .for an exploration of a global issue through the lens of two different subjects.

You will need to develop a well-focused research question. Part of that process will be to define your approach: the theories, methodologies or frameworks that explain how you will approach the topic. The Research question assignment will help you do that.

  To make sure that the research question is effective and viable as a guide to your research, you must do the following:

Role of the supervisor

Your supervisor will generally be the teacher of the subject in which you are writing the essay, or a teacher qualified to teach that subject if we do not offer that subject at ISH. If a teacher has too many students to supervise (more than four or their own decision), another qualified supervisor will be assigned. One of your first tasks will be to ask a teacher to be your supervisor.

In the Extended Essay, you have an supervisor, not a teacher. It is not their role to chase you down and give you information; the student must take the initiative to set up meetings and define the purpose of the meeting. Be prepared to ask questions and seek advice, not wait for feedback. Always record the outcome of the meeting on ManageBac.

You must meet with the supervisor for three reflection meetings, which are described below. You may meet more often, but the supervisor can only give formal feedback on one draft. However, you are always free to ask questions.


The nature of the research required for the extended essay will depend on the topic to a large degree. Here are some general principles to keep in mind.

Writing and referencing

The skills of writing an essay and referencing research sources should not be new to you. Apply those skills that have developed through your classes over the years. 

Here are some guidelines for Extended Essays and other written IB assessments. These are important to understand and follow.

In many cases, it helps to think about the Extended Essay as several smaller essays glued together by the introduction and the relationship with the research question. You will need to submit this outline tool (or something equivalent) to show your planning in April.


Criterion E deals with Engagement, which is based largely on three reflection statements students write on ManageBac. Since that represents 18% of your EE mark, care should be taken in writing those reflection statements. 

Throughout the process, the IB recommends that students keep a research journal, recording sources and action that you take as you go through the process of choosing a research question, planning and writing the essay. There is space on ManageBac for that journal, and tools like NoodleBib and Evernote are also useful.

Three reflective statements are required: once when the research question has been chosen, once during the process, and once after the essay has been submitted. They follow formal meetings with your supervisor. These are written on ManageBac. In general, your reflection statements should focus on the choices you made in the process of creating the essay: what you did, why you did that, an evaluation of the process and next steps. Some guiding questions will help you think about what to write. 

You will need to complete your reflection on ManageBac shortly after the reflection meetings with your supervisor. On ManageBac, once you have saved your reflection, it becomes locked and cannot be altered later, so plan those reflections carefully. All three reflections cannot exceed 500 words.


As with the IAs, Extended Essays need to be anonymous and use the same file name protocol. This template will help you with the cover page and the format for publication.

Some resources from the website

Formulating well-focused research questions: A guide for students

Distinguishing between the title and the research question

How to format the extended essay

Formal vs informal writing

This handout is especially useful as it provides a checklist against the criteria, including the formatting of the essay: Advice for students

Sample EEs

You can find a selection of Extended Essays that earned an A or B here.


EE SP deadlines
EE intro late October
research questions
M21 EE/SP slideshow
EE sample slides