PE Video Archive

In this section we have over 50 videos for you to browse and follow. You can try new ones each week, find ones you missed last term, or simply choose your favourite work outs and repeat them each week. Enjoy looking through the archive!

VS Intro.mp4

This section contains videos which focus on improving your physical fitness such as CV endurance and strength as well as videos which aim to improve aspects of skill such as coordination, balance and accuracy.

This section focusses on activities designed to improve your mental wellbeing, such as relaxation exercises, reducing anxiety and improving mental agility and thinking skills. In these days of lockdown, taking care of our mental health is incredibly important.

Diet is a huge factor in maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and in this section you will find a number of tasty recipes to follow. Cooking and getting creative in the kitchen gives us a well needed break from the screen and also gives us a great sense of accomplishment.

This section contains non-physical activities which focus on the wider aspects of sport in society, covering topics such as racism, sexism and world events. This section allows you to reflect upon the role of sport in our world.