Sports Activities

In this section we will post links and videos to practices, drills and workouts based around your favourite sports. You can go to the sport you want to work on and choose a video activity to follow. You can concentrate on your favourite sport, or why not try something new and choose a sport that you wouldn't normally do. Some of these activities will need additional space and equipment so make sure you are prepared. These links will be updated every week with new and exciting activities to follow. Enjoy!

Physical PE Intro.mp4

March for March Challenge

Teamwork makes the dream work. Thank you staff, parents & students for joining us!

  • Here is the March for March Distance Form. This form should be submitted either at the end of each day, every other day or at the end of the week. Distances will be added every Tuesday. Updates on the overall distance travelled as a community and individual house distances will be shared every Thursday.

  • You can keep track of your walking, running, swimming or cycling distances using a variety of free apps. Please note - distances are to be recorded in kilometres.

  • Google earth will be used to see how far around the world we can travel as a 'community' e.g. 1240km to Jeddah!

  • Students - don't forget to select your house colour on the google form. Let's see which house can travel the furthest!