Ms. Tomson Recommends

A few words about ISE library and its resources. 

Did you know that ISE Library holds one of the biggest English language collections for young readers in Tallinn? The library has ~10,000 printed volumes on hand in addition to audio books, films and subscription databases. We have a thorough supplementary non-fiction collection for PYP units of inquiry and upper school research projects. ISE believes in supplying accuracy, objectivity, and reliability in research materials for both children and adults. Our carefully selected subscription databases, Britannica School, The World Book Online and EBSCOhost, are among the industry leaders of award-winning encyclopedias, reference sources, and digital products. ISE is looking into expanding its small but popular e-book collection.

In addition to the above sources this website offers additional resources for learning and research, online reading; carefully selected by Ms. Kadri Tomson, reviewed and recommended by fellow librarians and information specialists, 

-all for FREE!

ISE subscription databases

Britannica School is a  safe, up-to-date, and age-appropriate information resource for Primary, Middle and Secondary School. Discover encyclopedia articles, multimedia, primary sources, games, and other learning resources that support student research, classroom exploration, and curriculum standards.

EBSCO host allows you to use 10 premier academic databases e.g. Academic Search Premier, EbscoBusiness Source Premier, Newspaper Source, Health Source, Medline and Eric among others.

World Book Online features World Book Kids, World Book Student, World Book Advanced with access to primary sources and e-books. 

CONTACT for log-in

PYP Inquirers

Upper School Antics

Student Action in grade 1