

Mindfulness lowers stress and anxiety, it increases joy and feelings of wellbeing, it improves concentration and cognition, it improves relationships - the list goes on and on.

If you're not familiar with Mindfulness, it really is a very simple concept: mindfulness is paying attention to the here and now so you can choose your response. It's really just being bringing your awareness to the present and not judging any feelings or thoughts that you have in that moment. You can be mindful when you're taking a walk, when you're eating, or even when you're listening to someone talk. The key is just to stay present and, if distracting thoughts or feelings come through, simply acknowledge them and then bring your attention back to the present.

Looking for some scientific backing to mindfulness? Check out the Benefits of Mindfulness from a Harvard health Article on Help Guide. Change to Chill also talks about stress and the physical affects it has on your body and how mindfulness can impact your response to stress.

Consider some of the below apps or videos to assist with coping with stress, anxiety, and promote a healthy mindset.

3 minute mindful breathing

10 minute mindful meditation to reduce stress and anxiety

5 minute mindful body connection

10 minute mindfulness to help with focus