As this virus impacts all of our lives and as we are faced with constant and ever changing information, we wanted to remind everyone that we need to take care of ourselves not only physically but mentally, emotionally and socially. Here are some ideas and resources for you to consider. There is lots more information out there- be wise, be calm and be aware.

The Centers for Disease & Control's website about what the COVID-19 virus is and how to protect yourself

The Center for Disease & Control's Stress & Coping page offers suggestions on how to cope with this stressful time

Gundersen Health System is in Wisconsin but their website provides many tips for teens and parents regarding COVID, coping, and adjusting in this changing time.

Self Care

Check out some tips below on how to reduce your stress and practice good self care.

MN Dept of Health Self Care Tips.pdf

Mindfulness lowers stress and anxiety, it increases joy and feelings of wellbeing, it improves concentration and cognition, it improves relationships - the list goes on and on. Visit our Mindfulness page for more suggestions on how to better cope with stress, anxiety, and feel more in control.