Special Education

Special Ed/Dape/OT/PT/School Psychologist/Speech


Each child’s case manager will be in contact with the family in regards to the specific services that will be provided.

Ms. Vogt- Instructioal Coach Brvogt@rochester.k12.mn.us

Ms. Hebert

Ms. Much

Ms. Penney

Ms. Senst


Ms. Kiner-Hughes


Hello :)

A quick note on what DAPE services will look like during this distance learning period. Each Monday students and families will receive a weekly DAPE calendar of activities.

The calendar will be sent either through the Classroom Teacher's Google Classroom or Case Managers.

On Thursday's, each student and family will receive a form to fill-out and submit. This will provide me with the necessary data and some indication of how things are going.

We are all learning and will adjust as we go.

If you have questions, please feel free to contact me directly via email at: kapersons@rochester.k12.mn.us

Take care.

You are missed!