S.T.E.A.M. Art 2023-2024

5th Grade Tennis Shoes - Students worked through the design process to create shoes inspired by their personal experiences and interests. The process began with students observing a real life shoe factory, as the shoe went through the various stages from start to finish. Students learned that making a shoe is more than the final product, but a long process with many working parts!

Prior to making their shoes, students worked through the design process beginning with brain storming meaningful ideas aiding in helping create a shoe that centered around their own personality. Web mapping allowed students to think of topic to build ideas from. Once an idea was hatched, students began visually brining their ideas to life via paper and pencil sketches. This challenged students to translate their ideas into visual concepts for their shoe. Some ideas were literal, where others were more abstract and representational in nature. 

MN State Standard and

Intermediate Shoe Gallery

8 Classes of 5th Grade students worked to create one of a kind, self-inspired shoes. Shoes are now on display at the Worthington School District's Intermediate Building. ** Not all student shoes are on display or featured below. 

Intermediate Hat gallery

10 Classes of 4th Grade students worked to create one of a kind, self-inspired Hats. Quarter 2 4th Grade Art Student Hats are now on display at the Worthington School District's Intermediate Building. ** Not all student shoes are on display or featured below. 

Students looked at a brief history of hats as presented by Google Arts and Culture. You can find the link below, to see how hats have helped shape history and fashion as we know it today. 

4th Grade Hats - Students in Fourth Grade tackled the challenge of hat making. Students used construction paper, fabric and glue to create original looks inspired by the traditional baseball cap. Prior to beginning the process, students discussed how hats have shaped culture though the course of history. Students learned that hats have played a role in shaping cultural movements, religious ceremonies, civil service roles, pop culture statements... the list can go on! The engineering of these hats empowered student engagement and participation. 

MN State Standard and

Incorporate personal choice into devising a solution for a creative art problem. 

Identify how art is used to inform or change beliefs, values or behaviors of an individual or society.