Online Lessons

Online Lessons:

Watch online lessons at your convivence. These lessons make for great e-Learning day options for your students. These short videos offer step-by-step instructions allowing for students to pause the video while they work. Below each clip I have indicated the recommended target audience based MN State Standards and assumed skill development. However, videos may be adjusted for any age or ability group per teacher or curriculum discretion. 

One Point Perspective Letters

Target audience 5th Grade and up

ONe point perspective city scape

Target audience 5th Grade and up

Jeff koons inspired balloon art

Target audience 3rd grade and up

How to make a journal

Target audience 5th Grade and up

Creating a Tesselation

Target audience 4th Grade and up

Penrose Triangle

NEW Summer 2023

The Moon

What is the moon? 

Grade: 3

Strand: 2

Sub strand: 2.1

Standard: 2.1.1 Students will be able to represent observations and data in order to recognize patterns in the data, the meaning of those patterns, and possible relationships between variables. 

Content Area: Earth and Space Science

Benchmark: 3E. Record observations of the sun, moon, and stars and use them to describe patterns that can be predicted