Philosophy of Teaching

Philosophy of Teaching

         It is my desire as an educator to build an environment that is constructed around fundamental academic skills in conjunction with experiences students bring with them from outside the classroom. The combination of skill and experiences creates a balance of teacher and student-centered philosophies focused on these fundamental principles; student engagement, learning without prejudice, mastery of foundational skills, and seeking knowledge through doing. 

Be an active part of the classroom both facilitating and participating in learning.

Inspire the belief that all students are capable of learning stressing the importance of an “I can” mindset.

Foster a culturally responsive classroom bridging student home and school interests and culture.

Build student relationships by building an environment that fosters learning without prejudice.

Deliver curriculum that is guided by fundamental skill development relative to the changing needs of the classroom. 

Promote basic skills as a starting point to advanced thoughts and ideas.

Empower students to think for themselves using real world experiences to guide learning.

Act as a catalyst to inspire students to invest in their own learning through experimentation, problem solving and exploring new ideas.