AVID Elective

Students are selected for the AVID Elective based on recommendations from school counselors and classroom teachers.  The AVID Elective student should be a student who has “Individual Determination”, but may need extra support to succeed in more rigorous classes.  

The AVID Elective is a credit earning class that teaches students skills to be successful throughout their educational journey and beyond.

Students enroll in the year-long elective class, each year of their high school career.  The skills taught in the class build and are specific to ensuring students are college and career ready through career exploration, ACT prep, & college preparation.


#1890 & #2891 AVID

Requirement(s) needed: Application required

Prerequisite for: AVID II

Duration: All Year

Credit: ½ credit per semester

Open to: 9

Description: AVID helps students build study skills they will need to become successful high school students who are college/career ready upon graduation.  For one period a day, students will learn and practice: organization & time management strategies, presentation & public speaking skills, and reading & comprehension.  Writing, inquiry, and collaboration are also core strategies used in this class.  All students can benefit from AVID, but opportunities to enroll are limited. 


#1896 & #2896 AVID II

Prerequisite for: AVID III

Requirement(s) needed: AVID I, Application Required

Duration: All Year

Credit: ½ credit per semester

Open to: 10

Description: AVID helps students build study skills they will need to become successful high school students who are college/career ready upon graduation.  For one period a day, students will learn and practice: organization & time management strategies, presentation & public speaking skills, and reading & comprehension.  Writing, inquiry, and collaboration are also core strategies used in this class.  All students can benefit from AVID, but opportunities to enroll are limited. 


#1897 & #2897 AVID III

Requirement(s) needed: AVID I & II, Application required

Duration: All Year

Credit: ½ credit per semester

Open to: 11

Description: AVID helps students build study skills they will need to become successful high school students who are college/career ready upon graduation.  For one period a day, students will learn and practice: organization & time management strategies, presentation & public speaking skills, and reading & comprehension.  Writing, inquiry, and collaboration are also core strategies used in this class.  All students can benefit from AVID, but opportunities to enroll are limited.