General Information
The International School of Belgrade was founded in 1948. ISB is an independent, co-educational international day school that enrols students from ages three to eighteen. As an authorized IB World School, IS provides a high-quality, college-preparatory education, with an emphasis on internationalism and global responsibility. The curriculum is designed to serve a multi-national student body using English as our language of instruction.
ISB is an international collaborative learning community that inspires, prepares, and empowers its students to succeed and contribute positively to society.
We understand the impact of our words and actions and act with compassion towards our community members.
We conduct ourselves in ways that bring honor to ourselves, our school and the community.
We demonstrate respect for the person and property of ourselves and others.
We are responsible for our behavior as well as for contributing to a healthy and safe learning environment.
General Information
This handbook is designed to provide parents and students with the information they need regarding the daily routines and guidelines at ISB. The information found in this handbook is in line with the ISB Board of Trustees Policy.
Country Code - +381
City code –(0)11
ISB Main Line – 206 9999
Primary School Office – 206 9910
Primary School Fax - 206 9940
Business Office- 206 9999
Business Office Fax – 206 9944
Erik Lutley, Principal -
Dragana Radulovic, Administrative Assistant to the Principal -
Emilija Milicevic, Secondary Secretary -
Snezana Hasanovic, Finance and Business Director -
Gordana Zarubica , HR Coordinator/Accounts Manager -
Natasa Radonic, Lead Accountant -
Jasmina Nikolic, Supply and Logistics Specialist -
Milan Tepavac, Accountant -
Be sure to bookmark the school website and refer to it frequently for access to comprehensive information.
Contact information
It is critical that the school has the most up-to-date contact information in case of an emergency.
Parents may change their contact information on MOZE at any time during the year (e.g., email address, telephone numbers, billing addresses).
The outdoor campus grounds are open to parents and students between 7:00am and 9:30pm, Monday to Friday. Any parents and students visiting the school after regular school hours (8:00am - 4:30pm are asked to respect school rules and guidelines. The school facilities can be accessed outside of regular school hours following the procedure on the ISB website under the 'Campus life' tab and by clicking the Booking Facilities link.
There is no supervision of students before 7:50am. The school day officially starts at 8:05am, with lessons beginning at 8:10am. Students arriving after this time will be considered late.
Lessons end at 3:15pm. After School Activities occur from 3:30pm to 4:30pm. CEESA and Theatre Activities occur from 3:30pm to 4:30pm. There is sometimes a need for a second session of CEESA, due to facilities use. This session would occur from 4:30pm to 6:00pm.
School buses are available for students completing their After School Activities at 4:15pm, but students need to make their own way home or be collected by parents if they have the second session.
Daily schedule
The 2023-2024 timetable will have a 5-day schedule according to the following bell timings:
Outline of the Secondary day:
For the start of school, food can be ordered through the parent portal under the services section once you are logged in. Food is provided to ISB by an outside vendor called Party Service and it offers a hot or cold meal daily. Families may only order once for the month and a menu will be shared ahead of each ordering period. Should you have any questions about the lunch service, please contact
Alternatively, learners can purchase food from our partners Hleb i Kifle in our Boma or they may bring into school their own snack and lunch.
Please note that there is no possibility for outside food delivery for learners. In addition, fridges and microwaves are not available to learners.
Students have access to fresh water at school with water fountains located across the campus. Most students find it useful to use a refillable water bottle to take with them to their classes, so they should bring these to school and clean them regularly. Please consider the impact on the environment when sending single use plastic bottles to school with your child.
The ISB PTS arranges special events and activities to supplement the academic program. enhance the school's sense of community, and serves as a liaison to facilitate communication between IS families, administration and staff. The PTSA is governed by the Executive Committee in which teacher representatives and administration are invited to participate. More information about the PTS can be found on the PTA section of the ISB website.
ISB maintains a smoke-free environment. Teachers, parents and guests are asked to refrain from smoking whilst on campus. Students are not permitted to smoke or be in possession of tobacco products (including e-cigarettes) on school grounds or at school-sponsored activities.
At the beginning of the school year, the bus coordinator in the Business Office determines bus routes and sends the details to parents. Information is shared with familes at the start of the school year and during the year as needed.
Bus regulations
Each bus has a bus monitor who is responsible for maintaining order. Students are expected to remain seated at all times. Any difficulties with children whilst they are on the bus are reported to the Secondary Leadership Team.
Students should:
Be on time and enter the bus in an orderly manner;
Remain seated at all times:
Avoid behavior that is inconsiderate to others;
Avoid placing any part of the body outside of the window;
Not bring friends on the bus who are not regular commuters:
Keep aisles clear:
Wear seatbelts at all times.
Students who are unable to adhere to behavioral expectations:
1st offense: Discussion between student and bus monitor.
2nd offense: Bus monitor will issue a behavior ticket to the student, with a copy to the Administration for action.
3rd offense: School Administrator will meet with bus monitor, parents, and student for possible disciplinary action or exclusion from riding the school bus.
Traffic conditions can sometimes cause delay, and parents are asked to be patient before contacting the bus coordinator
Changes in going home routine (buses)
Important: If a transportation change needs to be made during the school day, parents are required to call Suzana Djordjevic, Transportation Coordinator at 206-9907 before 12:00pm. UPDATE (EL)
This communication will ensure that the bus departs at its assigned time allowing students to arrive home as per normal. If there is no note or phone call, it will be assumed that the child is taking the indicated bus as per normal. If the child misses the bus, it is the parents' responsibility to collect their child. For further information in reference to transportation please go to hitp:// FIX (EL)
The Upper School drop-off and pick-up procedures are very important to ensure the safety of all ISB students and to prevent traffic congestion. Parents or designated personnel who drop-off and pick-up students are advised that there is only a single lane for such actions. It is therefore critical that drop-offs and pick-ups occur in a timely manner to ensure minimal disruption to the traffic flow. If your child is delayed, parents or designated personnel are encouraged to use the parking spaces. Parents and designated personnel are required to adhere to indicated speed limits of 20 km/h
In our effort to make our school secure for students the following procedures are in place:
• All visitors to the campus will be required to sign in with the guard.
• Visitors must wear their given visitor's badge at all times.
• Visitors must report to the receptionist prior to visiting any other area of the campus.
• Upon leaving, visitors will sign out with the guard and retum the visitor's badge.
The ISB vehicle identification car sticker needs to be prominently displayed when entering the school driveway. Vehicles without the sticker will not be permitted on school grounds.
Emergency response procedures
The school has defined procedures for emergencies such as fire, earthquake and lockdowns.
These procedures are explained to students at the beginning of the year and are practiced each semester to ensure appropriate familiarization. Emergency Response protocols are also posted by the classroom door/ phone in every classroom.
ISB welcomes guests of ISB students to visit the campus but they are not permitted to attend classes. Guests may wait in the Dragon Cafe, library if it is not being used for instructional purposes) or wait outside at a picnic table for their ISB host to socialize during a recognized break time
Students in grade 6-10 have the option to request a locker at the beginning of the school year. Students are responsible for their lockers and for maintaining their lockers in good order and clearing them regularly, so that they are in a good state and ready for re allocation for the next academic year. ISB reserves the right to inspect a locker at any time.
Lost and found materials are located above the Upper School office in the passage way connecting the Middle and High School buildings (the Passerella space]. If found material is not collected by the end of each academic quarter, items will be donated to charity.
2.16. PETS
For the safety of all our community and in respect of cultural consideration, pets are not allowed on our ISB campuses.
To request withdrawal from school, parents need to contact the Admissions Officer in writing.
The Admissions Officer will arrange a checkout procedure for the student. If tuition and/or fines have not been paid, school records will not be released. Parents are asked to allow the school five business days' notice in order to prepare report cards and records.
If the occasion arises that warrants the closing of school an official notice will be issued from the Director's office. The decision to close the school is made by the Director in consultation with the Chair of the Board of Trustees.
The Director will notify the teaching faculty.
An SMS message will be sent to all parents no later than 6:15am.
If an early dismissal is considered during the school day due to inclement weather this will be communicated through SMS and email in a timely manner.
The SMS messaging system will be initiated for each consecutive day that school is cancelled.
Inclement weather: In winter Belgrade may experience a few days of heavy snow and/or cold temperatures. On such days, the Administration contemplates the following factors in the decision-making process of whether the school will operate.
Road conditions in Belgrade;
Accessibility to and from Lower School and Upper School campuses:
Safety of ISB community members when going outside;
Information/ consultation with embassies:
Instructions from Serbian government;
Operation of Belgrade public transportation, and Operation of school bus transportation.