
ISB is an international collaborative learning community that inspires, prepares, and empowers its students to succeed and contribute positively to society.

ISB 5 Pillars

We will inspire, empower, and challenge learners through a holistic education experience that supports personal growth, the achievement of excellence, and the desire and ability to be positive changemakers in the global community.

We will provide high-quality, flexible, and sustainable facilities and methodologies that deliver an exceptional educational experience, meeting current and future learners' programmatic and enrollment needs.

We will create and sustain a culture of inclusion and belonging that recognizes and celebrates our diversity and ensures that all learners are treated with equity and justice and are supported in making meaningful connections to each other and the world.

We will ensure long-term financial and environmental sustainability by intentionally focusing on value proposition, revenue generation, and proactive stewardship of human, financial, and physical resources.

We will maintain stable and effective governance structures and operations based on and model integrity, respect, trust, and accountability. We will also actively and continually demonstrate a commitment to recognized and accepted principles of good practice.