WP 5 - 6 

Our Toolkit

Getting in touch with local authorities

On the 8th of November 2022 students of Year 3 and 4 of the International Course presented an open letter to local administrators and museum curators in Pesaro. In this letter we offered suggestions that we had developed while exploring inclusive best practices. In this occasion we shared the "museum accessibility checklist" that had been suggested to us by Dr. Margherita Sani, coordinator of the Network of European Museum Organisations, and that we had expanded during our lessons. We also told our local museum curators about the ideas we wanted to develop for the project and asked them to adopt the inclusive toolkit we were making, hoping that our ideas could be implemented to create a place where art can be, not only enjoyed, but also experienced.

Here is the link to the open letter we wrote. Feel free to use it as a model if you decide to write to your own local museums to suggest inclusive practices. You can also download our accessibility checklist to find out how accessible your local museum is.

Our Inclusive Toolkit

Click on the links below to access the finished inclusivity tools created during the implementation of the project. All files are free for non-commercial use. You may use, adapt and build upon this work non-commercially and should license your new creations under identical terms. We would also love to be contacted if new projects and ideas stem from or make use of the information provided on this website. Feel free to contact us: this project aims to promote active citizenship, European collaboration and the use of cultural heritage as a means for strengthening communities. All lesson plans, learning materials and worksheets are collected in this shared folder.

Erasmus+ Art for All: an inclusive approach to cultural heritage

Project id: 2020-1-IT02-KA229-079339_1

Project social media pages


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